Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Trump WILL NOT Be The Republican Candidate In The Fall. Establishment Never Wanted Him And Now They Will Do ANYTHING To Prevent Him From Being The Candidate. This Is A Sure Signal Of Defeat In The Fall

RNC CHAOS: Inside The Coming Trump Revolt

  • 06/21/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: Kevin Boyd
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image: http://engine.newsmaxfeednetwork.com/i.gif?e=eyJhdiI6NzQyMjcsImF0IjoxMywiYnQiOjMsImNtIjo0MTc5NTAsImNoIjoxNzg0MSwiY2siOnt9LCJjciI6MTQ0MzE2MiwiZGkiOiI3YzA3YjM5MjdjMzY0NTg2OThhMzUyMzQ4ZWU3MzQxOSIsImRtIjoxLCJmYyI6MTY5NjIxOSwiZmwiOjE2MDU2NzAsImlwIjoiMTA0LjEzNy4yMjUuNzYiLCJrdyI6ImFnZTwyMCxhZ2UyMC00MCxhZ2U0MCxhZ2U2MCxhZ2U-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&s=FXnlx8_yZXCr1ac4BmaJmyNKByM
There is increasing talk about delegates revolting against presumptive GOP 
presidential nominee Donald Trump. It coincides with Trump plummeting in
 the polls to historic lows against Hillary Clinton.

It does seem that some anti-Trump delegates are planning to revolt against
 Trump in Cleveland. The Washington Post is reporting that money is being 
raised and plans are being made to hire staff and launch a convention floor 
fight against Trump.

From the Post:
Supporters of a growing anti-Donald Trump movement announced plans

Sunday to raise money for staff and a possible legal defense fund as

they asked new recruits to help spread the word with less than a month

until the Republican National Convention.

Having started with just a few dozen delegates, organizers also said

Sunday that they now count several hundred delegates and alternates

as part of their campaign.

"As we carefully consider not only the presidential nominee but the

rules of the convention, the platform of the Republican Party and the

vice presidential nominee, remember that this is true reality TV – it is

not entertainment," Regina Thomson, co-founder of the group now

calling itself "Free the Delegates," said Sunday night.

The plan is to change the rules of the convention in order to allow
 delegates to vote their conscience instead of the results of primaries 
and state caucuses. Trump has has over 200 bound delegates more 
than he needs to win the nomination as a result of the results of the

Trump’s allies dismiss any talk of a convention revolt. Alabama
 Senator Jeff Sessions says a revolt “has no chance whatsoever.” 
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has also been downplaying reports 
of a rift between Trump and the party in recent days.

As for the Washington Post, they’re currently in an ongoing feud with
 the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign has pulled their credentials 
and banned them from covering Trump campaign rallies and events
 calling it “dishonest.”

Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/rnc-chainside-the-coming-trump-revolt#xespK4Y0UZVKTAg0.99

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