Thursday, June 23, 2016

US Should Be Supporting Pro-Reform Muslims However, We Are Not. Only Radicals Need Apply


According to the eminent columnist for National Review, Andrew C. McCarthy, “Sharia supremacists are not only shielded from scrutiny by U.S. intelligence, but welcomed into the National Security apparatus.”
The decree for this insanity originates from the White House and from the President and Commander in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
The president, who still has some seven months left to grievously damage America, has used his two terms in office to cultivate and advance Islamist triumphalism in the United States by the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, and its noxious affiliate, Hamas.
Obama cannot stand the term, “radical Islam” nor can the many Muslim officials he has filled the White House and his regime with. That is why he has forced the removal of all references in training material that expose the direct collusion between Islamic and Koranic doctrine and Muslim jihadist terror.
Obama’s decrees have created a departure from reality and replaced it with an Orwellian double speak world in which Islam must be protected from any and all links to its 1,400 year old history of violence and triumphalism over non-Muslims.
Obama and the Democrats have been discomfited by the growing atrocities perpetrated by Muslims in America against non-Muslims – not because of the anti-American horrors now taking place within America itself but because it exposes their illegitimate defense of Islam, or what they call by its novel term; Islamism.
So-called Islamists are simply the overwhelming majority of Muslims who want to impose Sharia (Islam’s repressive laws) upon non-Muslim society.
As Fox’s Richard Baehr recently opined: “… Fort Hood, San Bernardino and now Orlando, to name just a few of the worst horrors of Muslim intolerance and violence against America’s freedoms, have all been cynically used by the Obama administration to call for gun control or to insult the National Rifle Association (NRA).”
Of course, all facts are totally ignored in the Orlando gun control narrative either by rank ignorance or by sheer cynicism. An assault rifle was not used. Guns were purchased legally by Omar Mateen and his background screening was checked and passed.
And now Obama has been rattled by Donald Trump’s justified criticism. That is why Obama and his Amen Corner in the benighted Press Corp have turned their ire to unprecedented heights of hypocrisy, not on Muslim violence but on the Republican presidential nominee.
Trump, in particular, pointed out that it is not only ISIS (or ISIL as the president obsessively calls them) which perpetrates appalling violence against non-Muslims. but Hamas, Hezb’allah, Boko Haram, Al Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood, and vast swathes of the Muslim world, which accepts brutality and is viciously bigoted against Christians, Jews, Yazidis, Bahai, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists – as well as gays.
Trump gave a speech, some two days after the Orlando Islamist atrocity against gays, many of whom were Latinos. Trump’s address censuring Obama’s failed policies struck a nerve in the President who, as a narcissist, cannot tolerate any personal criticism however justified.
Omar Saddiqi Mateen, the American born Muslim of Afghani descent, even as he was murdering his hapless victims at point blank range, stopped his carnage to pray to Allah and to even call the FBI to declare his allegiance to Islamic State (ISIS) before coldly resuming his reign of terror and mass slaughter.
His wife, an Arab woman who calls herself a Palestinian, is now being investigated as suspicions grow that she scouted out targets for her husband and even dropped him off at the Pulse Gay nightclub.
To quote Andrew C. McCarthy again: ‘Our president welcomes the Brotherhood into our National Security Apparatus in order to reverse what progressives see as the ‘dangerous excesses’ of real counter-terrorism.
“That is how we end up with such lunacy as what the Left calls, ‘countering violent extremism.’ In other words, don’t ever say radical Islam much less obsess over the carnage at the Pulse nightclub. After all, look how stable Obama’s globe has become!”
One stark example of the president’s hostility to those few within Islam who are trying, sadly in vain, to moderate the endemic hatred towards non-Muslims, is Egypt’s President al-Sisi.
No other Muslim leader has tried as he has to defeat jihad either on the battlefield or in the mosques.
Supporting al-Sisi should be a no-brainer for Obama but instead of supporting him our president opposes him by denying the weapons critical to al-Sisi’s fight against ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and all the other Islamic terrorists.
Let us also not forget President Obama’s outrageous support for the leading terrorist enabling regime in the world: the Islamic Republic of Iran.     
We should ask ourselves, why did Barack Hussein Obama turn his back upon the millions of Iranians who rose up against the mullahs in what was called Iran’s Green Revolution?
His silence was deafening and dashed the fervent hopes of the long suffering masses who still groan under the vicious, repressive and obscurantist mullahs occupying Iran’s leadership.
The hopes of those Iranians – who heroically came out into the streets to face the guns of the Mullahs’ goon squads with the desire of installing a functioning democracy including women’s and minorities rights – were brutally dashed by the refusal of President Obama to even issue one word of support to them.   
Instead, our president has enriched the Islamic Republic of Iran with some $150 billion, which will not go to build hospitals and schools for its people but rather enable ever more inhuman violence word wide and empower the mullahs to construct the Bomb.
This will be Barack Hussein Obama’s warped legacy and the world will be a far more perilous place for it.
Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer and published author of several books including the Blue Hour and the acclaimed trilogy: Politicide.

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