Thursday, June 2, 2016

When Obama Doesn't Have A Teleprompter He Shows The Real Incompetent He Is

MUST SEE VIDEO: Obama Tries 

to Trash Trump

  • 06/02/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
42 11 1  87
Special: How Melissa McCarthy Shed a Shocking 50 Pounds in 30 Days
Speaking in Indiana in support of Crooked Hillary Clinton, President Barack
 Obama tried his best to trash Donald Trump. Apparently, his teleprompter broke. 
Watch the commander in chief stutter, brutally, through a lesson in national unity. 
The lame duck president went to Indiana today to hold a rally and trash-talk

Donald Trump. Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned. He turned into a stuttering


Barack Obama: If we turn against each other based on division of race or

religion. If-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if we fall for, you know, a bunch of okie-doke,

just because, you know it-it-it. You know, it-it-it-it-it-it sounds funny or the

tweets are provocative.
Perhaps Obama was stumbling over his own mountain high hypocrisy. 
It takes a lot of chutzpah for a man like him to lecture the nation on 
divisiveness, and maybe he just doesn't have it. This is a man whose
 disregard or contempt for the conscience of religious Americans was 
such that he would have forced Catholic nuns who care for the indigent
 sick to pay millions in fines for failing to provide abortion pills to their
 employees. This is a man who is now forcing any hospital that receives 
federal funds to provide gender reassignment surgery. When he's not 
attacking people of faith, he's busy using the IRS to investigate and bury 
those who disagree with him politically. His Department of Housing and 
Urban Development is now running around accusing any community that 
doesn't match some ethnic quota ideal that they're engaged in racist zoning.

In short, everything Obama is worried Donald Trump would do has already
 been done. By him. And the American people are sick and tired of it. If he 
wants someone to blame for the tenor of American politics today, he should
 look in the mirror.
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