Thursday, June 16, 2016

Will Voice Recorder Show There Egyptair 804 Was Sabotaged?

EgyptAir Flight 804 Black Box Recovered, Investigators Say

Egypt officials say the cockpit voice recorder’s memory unit was retrieved

The crew of the specialized vessel, the John Lethbridge’s, which located and recovered the cockpit voice recorder.ENLARGE
The crew of the specialized vessel, the John Lethbridge’s, which located and recovered the cockpit voice recorder. PHOTO: F. BASSEMAYOUSSE/DOS LTD/EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY
Searchers recovered the cockpit voice recorder from EgyptAir Flight 804, 
Egyptian officials said Thursday, putting investigators closer to figuring out 
why the plane crashed into the Mediterranean Sea last month.
was able to locate and recover the cockpit voice recorder, one of the plane’s black
 boxes. The device was damaged, but the memory unit that retains two hours of 
conversations from the cockpit was retrieved, Egyptian officials said.
Once the cockpit voice recorder is at a specialized facility where the information 
can be extracted, investigators could gather important information about what 
happened during the flight in a matter of days if not hours, safety experts said.
Egyptian officials said they planned to move the recovered memory unit from
 the ship to the Egyptian coastal town of Alexandria. The flight data recorder, 
which stores technical parameters on the flight, hasn’t been recovered yet.
The breakthrough comes a day after the ship provided the first images of Flight 
804 wreckage to investigators. Flight 804 crashed May 19, killing all 66 passengers 
and crew. The plane was flying from Paris to Cairo before it deviated from its course
 while cruising at 37,000 feet, first turning left before rolling to the right and 
completing a full circle, investigators said this week.
The Airbus Group SE A320 broadcast a number of fault messages before all 
contact was lost, indicating possible smoke in the nose of the plane, including a 
critical electronic-equipment hub beneath the cockpit. The messages alone haven’t 
proved sufficient to determine a likely cause for the crash, investigators have said. 
Radar data also indicated there wasn’t a sudden explosion that tore the plane apart 
The uncertainty over what happened added urgency to recovering the plane’s black
 boxes. The beacons on the black boxes are required to last for 30 days, though they
can remain active for longer.
Egyptian officials will try to extract information from the cockpit voice recorder. 
Egypt has invested heavily to upgrade its ability to extract such information, safety 
experts said, though its skills aren’t as well tested as those by the BEA, the French 
air accident organization that is aiding the probe. The U.S. National Transportation 
Safety Board, which has been invited to join the investigation by Egyptian officials, 
also has extensive experience reading black boxes.
Black box-maker Honeywell International Inc. has been asked by Egypt to provide 
technical assistance ​related to the recorder.​
Before the device was recovered, the head of the U.S. National Transportation 
Safety Board said it wasn’t clear how involved his agency would be in the 
EgyptAir investigation. NTSB Chairman Christopher Hart said on Wednesday
 that U.S. investigators, who were invited in to help analyze engine issues, were 
still uncertain whether engine performance would become a significant element
 of the continuing probe.
The cockpit voice recorder could allow investigators to determine if pilots were
 battling onboard smoke or even a fire or were fighting other technical problems. 
It could also give clues about whether hostile action was involved in bringing down
 the plane, something Egyptian officials haven’t ruled out.
At the very least, downloading the recorder’s digital memory ought to provide clues 
about how the pilots reacted to the series of alerts about problems with cockpit
 windows andsmoke alarms in the nose of the plane, including inside a lavatory 
and an important electrical hub.
A more detailed assessment may require access to the flight data recorder, air 
safety experts said, to properly assess what actions pilots may have taken or to
 determine what if any systems failed. The full assessment could take weeks.
Radar and other data suggest that, after automated-warning systems initially 
indicated an emergency on board, the jet flew on for at least a couple of minutes
 without any distress call or other radio communication from the cockpit. The 
sequence of events suggests the pilots may not have been controlling the plane 
that entire time, according to air-safety experts and veteran crash investigators.
The steep angle of the wings and the sharpness of the left turn, according to
 some of these experts, could have exceeded computer-controlled flight protections 
that stay in effect under normal circumstances. Based on publicly available 
flight-tracking data, the turn appears to have come close to, or even exceeded,
 the jet’s structural design limits, one former investigator said.
If that was the case, the plane’s autopilot and other computer-aided flight systems 
likely would have shut off abruptly, possibly leaving the plane flying too slowly
 to maintain adequate lift and avoid an aerodynamic stall, according to a number
 of safety experts not involved in the probe.
Recovering quickly from such a drastic maneuver by manually flying the jet,
 particularly in darkness with warning systems sounding incessant alerts on the 
flight deck, would pose a huge challenge for any crew. The information from the 
cockpit voice recorder should help shed light on whether crew faced such adverse 

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