Thursday, July 7, 2016

An Attack Against NRA Headquarters Would Be A Fools Mission--But Go Ahead Liberals, It's Your Life

Liberal insanity: Professor calls for mass shooting at NRA headquarters, says leave ‘no survivors’

A professor at Southern State Community College is currently under investigation after suggesting via social media that the mass murder of 2nd Amendment supporters would help the left’s gun control cause.
In a Facebook post last month, Ohio adjunct professor James Pearce said the only way for the left to win its gun control battle is for “a bunch of us anti-gun types” to “arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors.”
Here’s the post:
Pearce’s post has since caught the attention of law enforcement authorities and an investigation is underway.
The professor is protesting the conservative backlash and criminal investigation into his post, saying it’s obvious that the people he threatened can’t take a joke.
“It was suppose to be a joke, folks. I really do think that Facebook needs something like a ‘sarcasm punctuation mark,’” he said. “The less literate among us don’t seem to recognize humor when they see it.
“Although, on second thought, I suppose it is possible that I may have planted an idea in the mind of some unbalanced person, and that was a foolish mistake. For that I do apologize.”
It’s not just possible, it’s likely.
As disgusting and dangerous as it is, Pearce’s joke is also especially useful in pointing out one of the biggest problems with the arguments made by anti-gun liberals. They want the nation to believe that somehow guns, inanimate objects, or the people who promote ownership by law-abiding citizens for sport and self-defense, are responsible for the carnage of mass shootings.
In reality, the blood of mass shooting victims is on the hands of people like Pearce who believe that gun-free zones and bans on firearms will ever keep people safe from those deranged enough to decide to take innocent lives.
If some nut does decide to “storm the NRA headquarters,” I’d wager that the sick mission would unfold less successfully than Pearce might hope. That’s because, given its mission, there are probably a few “good guys with guns” in the building ready to dispatch any would be mass shooter swiftly to hell.

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