Friday, July 8, 2016

Did This Video Cause The Shootings In Dallas?

A friend of ours posted the following post on Facebook. Obviously he thought it was hilarious.

However, we do not. It is an indication of what is wrong with the current atmosphere of black citizens and the cops.  In most cities, if someone did this they would be booted from the force in a minute. Heck, we are so politically correct that this would be unacceptable.

Now don't take this to mean that there are not bad cops. Of course there are. Just like there are bad politicians (Hillary), bad FBI directors ( Comey) and bad attorney generals ( Loretta Lynch) there are bad cops, bad teachers, bad electricians, plumbers, attorneys, accountants and every other form of worker.  No group does not have its bad apples.

To paint all members of a group as bad is wrong and that is where this video goes wrong.. All segments of society have their bad apples.

On the one hand, we understand freedom of press, expression and the like but most people don't understand sarcasm, innuendo and understatements meant to be funny. On the other hand, this this video is not funny, is not "out there", it is disgusting.

It is no wonder that the idiot or idiots who killed the five police officers in Dallas last night was acting out what this video wants its viewers to believe. That all cops want to kill black men.

First of all that is fallacious. Secondly, most black men are killed by other black men (and not black police officers.).  Check out the statistics in Chicago and other big cities.and you will see this is borne out, if you doubt the veracity of our argument. (If not, here is a good site--

Our civil society depends upon 99% of its citizens acting in a civil, lawful manner.  When even 1% more act out and cause problems, like Dallas last night, we are becoming a very uncivil society.

Will the events of last night lead to more uncivil behavior?  Or will it be excused as many commentators have as "a result of the black lives matter" movement?  We believe there will be more bad behavior, hopefully with no loss of life and that the excuse-makers will work overtime to say that this behavior is acceptable.

America is coming apart at the seams and it seems that this is planned. Do you agree?

Conservative Tom

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