Thursday, July 14, 2016

French Terror Attack By "A Muslim"?

Images of the aftermath surfaced on social media following an attack in Nice, France, in which a truck plowed into a crowd of people (Photo: Twitter)
Images of the aftermath surfaced on social media following an attack in Nice, France, in which a truck plowed into a crowd of people (Photo: Twitter)
In another terrorist attack in France, at least 73 people are feared dead in Nice after a truck plowed through 200 yards of people in a crowd celebrating a national holiday Thursday evening, according to French TV channel BFM-TV.
In another incident in the same time period, the Eiffel tower was reportedly lit on fire in what French police said was an accident.
And at least three explosions have rocked Brussels, Belgium.
An estimated 150 people were reportedly injured in Nice. Witnesses say gunmen have taken hostages in the Meridien Hotel, the Hotel Negresco and the Buffalo Grill restaurant, the London Daily Mail reported.
Unconfirmed reports say ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Nice attack. Jihadist networks celebrated the carnage on social media, reported the Washington Post.
“Gunshots rang out in the streets, with gunmen targeting hotels and cafes in the port city as residents were warned to lock themselves in doors for their safety,” the Daily Mail reported. “Hostages have been taken in a hotel in the city. The RAID anti-terror squad has been deployed to the city.”
The vehicle ran into the crowd of people celebrating the Bastille Day national holiday on the Promenade des Anglais seaside sidewalk.
The truck in Nice was loaded with arms and grenades, said Christian Estrosi, president of the region.
The news came just as London’s Express reported the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, was ablaze after a truck filled with fireworks ignited the structure. French police say it was an accidental truck fire and has been extinguished.
The following is an image posted to Twitter:
Eiffel Tower appears to be burning in Paris after firework truck ignites, London's Express reports
Eiffel Tower appears to be burning in Paris after firework truck ignites, London’s Express reports
Meanwhile, as many as three explosions were heard through Brussels, Belgium, as a fire ripped through the capital city, according to the Express. The following photo was posted to Twitter after the explosions:
The driver in Nice, France, reportedly aimed for people as they tried to run away.
Wassim Bouhlel, a Nice native, told the Associated Press he saw a truck drive into the crowd. Then he said a man exited the truck and began shooting.
“There was carnage on the road,” Bouhlel said. “Bodies everywhere.”
People fled the scene, and there were reports of loud explosions.
The station said the government is asking citizens to remain at home.
“It’s total panic,” a witness told the channel by telephone, according to the London Telegraph. “We saw a white lorry which drove directly into people on the Promenade des Anglais. A gunman fired into the crowd before being shot by police. Perhaps they are dead, I’m not sure.”
An Agence France-Presse reporter on the scene said he saw the white truck speeding toward people as they left the celebration.
“We saw people hit and bits of debris flying around,” he said.
Another witness said, “It is absolute chaos. … Police are flooding the streets, including anti-terrorism officers. Nobody knows what to do, except to hide away. Gunmen are meant to be targeting hotels.”
GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump reacted to news of the Nice attack.
“Another horrific attack, this time in Nice, France,” he said. “Many dead and injured. When will we learn? It is only getting worse.”
This was reported to be the truck that drove into the crowd:
More photos and video from the scene posted to social media (Warning: Graphic photos):
(Warning: The following video contains graphic images of the aftermath of an attack)
Developing …


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