Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Getting Paid Outrageous Fees Is One Thing, Sticking It To The Sponsors Must Be A Clinton Thing. One Can Only Image What They Will Do If They Win The White House. Charging US For Their Time? Getting Reimbursed For The Use Of Air Force One?

You Won’t Believe What Slick Willie Did At a Hotel Before a Speech


July 14th, 2016
If your perception of Bill and Hillary Clinton was already bad, here’s something that could make it even worse. Recently revealed public records showed that Bill Clinton made some outrageous demands before a public speaking engagement.
The unbelievable details are from the Conservative Tribune:
“Clinton became a six-figure speaker after leaving the White House. If that weren’t already sickening enough, a recent report detailed some of what his handlers called ‘reasonable expenses.’
“Hmm … what would be considered reasonable? Well, according to the report, back in 2002 the president-turned-speaker demanded that he be flown by private jet from San Francisco to the speaking venue – a mere 70 miles away – at the University of California Davis Mondavi Center.
“After that he made a series of phone calls from his hotel that racked up a bill of $1400.00, not to mention his ‘reasonable’ $700 dinner for two, according to documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times.
“Oh, and if you wondered if Clinton paid for these items himself? Don’t be silly. They were charged to the event organizers ,.. on top of his speaking fee.”
The Clintons can charge whatever they want for their speeches, that’s how the free market works. As long as they’re just for speaking engagements, and not influence in the halls of federal power.
It doesn’t reflect well on the Clintons’ already poor public perception that they’ve used and abused their political power ever since their days in Arkansas.
If this is what we can expect from Bill and Hillary, what else will they get their money-grubbing hands into if Hillary is elected president?

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