Sunday, July 31, 2016

How Can Obama And Hillary Get Away With Anything?

Barack Obama can issue illegal Presidential directives  and Hillary can set up her own server without any supervision or security and nothing happens.Four Americans citizens die without our government trying to rescue them and no one is punished.  Hillary sells influence and no one blinks.The President can use the IRS and FBI against citizens (IRS scandal) and nothing happens, in fact, the participants are allowed to retire on full government pension (Lorreta Lynch.)

 Yet, be an average citizen and the weight of the government comes down on you.  Ask Dinesh D'Souza who made a mistake of reimbursing friends for campaign donations and goes to jail for eight months. Ask General Petraeus who lost his job because he gave classified documents to his biographer.

The American government has been corrupted by those in power. Protecting their friends and punishing anyone who might disagree with them. These are the moves of a corrupt, third world dictatorship not unlike banana republics.

Now  with the release of the hacked Democratic Party documents, we find that the campaign for their candidate was rigged against Bernie Sanders. Now we are not a fan of the Vermonter, but this is not the way it is supposed to work in the US.  Democrats should be ashamed, should be demanding legal action be taken against the participants. But what happens? Instead of being banished to the wilderness, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is given the job of running the Hillary campaign. It appears when it comes to Democrats, corruption pays!

How has this happened?  Americans don't seem to care enough to demand legality and fair play. They have been placated into believing that what happens on TV, in the movies, on the football field or more important than what is occurring in front of their eyes to their government. Additionally, there is feeling among those of us of the opposition that we cannot do anything and if we do we might face a D'Souza fate. Why risk our entire lives (personally, socially and financially) to fight an unwinnable argument?

When the average citizen fears the government, the government has full control. This means that unless someone like Trump can make a difference or if Americans become so disenchanted that they demand a change, America as we know it is over.  Do you agree?

Conservative Tom

P.S.  A good review on  Hillary's crimes and why it does not matter to her is in the following Bill Whittle video. 

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