Saturday, July 2, 2016

Saturday Will Be Hillary's Waterloo. Lynch Delivered The Word To Bill Clinton In Phoenix

Investigators with the Federal Bureau of Investigation want to have a chat Saturday with Democratic Party presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton about her private email server.
It’s the latest development in the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s reported mishandling of classified information.
A source tells the Daily Caller that the interview is expected to take place this weekend at Clinton’s home in Washington, D.C.
FBI investigators have already questioned several Clinton aides, including former chief of staff Cheryl Mills and deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin. Agents also spoke with Bryan Pagliano, a former State Department information technology specialist who handled Clinton’s server.

The meeting comes only days after Attorney general Loretta Lynch met in secret with former President Bill Clinton on the tarmac of the Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona.
As WND reported, Washington watchdog Judicial Watch is now asking the Department of Justice inspector general to investigate what was said at the off-the-record meeting.
“Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton severely undermined the already low public confidence in her agency’s criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “In addition to this IG investigation, Judicial Watch has already sent Freedom of Information Act requests about this scandalous meeting.”

Judicial Watch has been a key player in the continuing pressure on authorities to investigate Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information through a private email server while she was secretary of state.
It was a Judicial Watch case seeking government records that  exposed Clinton’s homebrew email system. Judicial Watch is now taking depositions from Clinton’s aides.
A federal judge has left open the possibility that Hillary Clinton may end up being deposed in the case.
The new complaint about Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton cites “18 USC §§ 202 – 209; Executive Order 12674 on Principles of Ethical Conduct as amended by EO 12731; Uniform Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, 5 CFR Part 2635; Department of Justice regulations, 5 CFR Part 3801; Department of Justice regulations, 28 CFR Part 45; Executive branch standards of conduct, 5 USC § 735; and, United States Department of Justice Ethics Handbook for On and Off-Duty Conduct, 14 Principles for Ethical Conduct.”

The law says employees “shall endeavor to avoid any actions creating the appearance that they are violating the law or the ethical standards set forth in this part.”
“Whether particular circumstances create an appearance that the law or these standards have been violated shall be determined from the perspective of a reasonable person with knowledge of the relevant facts.”
And federal employees are instructed “to avoid any actions creating the appearance that the employee is violating the law or the ethical standards set forth in this part.”
The New York Times on Friday reported on Lynch’s attempt to defuse the controversy by saying she will “accept” the recommendations of “career prosecutors” in the Clinton case.
“Her decision removes the possibility that a political appointee will overrule investigators in the case,” the report claimed.
As WND reported, Judge Jeanine Pirro, the longtime prosecutor and judge who is now a host for Fox News, on Friday said Lynch’s comments on her private meeting with Bill Clinton indicate Hillary won’t be charged over her private email server.

Copyright 2016 WND


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