Wednesday, July 13, 2016

This Is What An Open And Non Political Investigation Looks Like In The US Today.

For anyone to believe that the investigation of Hillary Clinton is not rife with political favors, paybacks and threats, the announcement that FBI agents have literally been blindfolded and gagged so there will be no leaks, shows how badly this investigation was influenced by political considerations.  This is what is done in third world countries--banana republics!  Well, we're nearly there!

Hillary Clinton is being protected (by someone, some organization) and anyone who threatens her is hushed up. She can do anything she wants and no one in this Administration has the guts to stand up to the machine.  Guess we probably would not if we were threatened with everything up to death if we spoke.

However, this is not the America that we grew up in.  It is getting so bad now that investigations are scuttled (Hillary), Supreme Court Justices (Ginsberg) can declare their hate for Presidential candidates, lies can be told to get legislation passed and there is no accountability (ObamaCrapCare), the State Department attempts to overthrow foreign governments (Israel) and our citizens can be murdered (Benghazi) while our Secretary of State sleeps and makes no attempt to save them. And these are only a few of the crimes, yes crimes, that have occurred in the past 7 1/2 years.  Makes you want to go back to Nixon days when all they did was break into an office and then cover it up!

The US is becoming a third world dictatorship which will become a reality if Hillary is elected.  Things that the current occupant of the White House (if he does leave) will be nothing compared with what the Clinton Crime Machine has up their sleeves.

Conservative Tom

FBI Agents Silenced on Hillary Probe

Image: FBI Agents Silenced on Hillary Probe(Alex Wong/Getty Images)
By Cathy Burke   |   Wednesday, 13 Jul 2016 12:07 PM
FBI agents who worked on the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server reportedly had to sign an unusual non-disclosure form banning them from talking about the case unless they were called to testify.

Unnamed sources tell the New York Post they'd never heard of the special form — known as a "case briefing acknowledgment" — being used before, though all agents initially have to sign nondisclosure agreements to obtain security clearance.
"This is very, very unusual. I've never signed one, never circulated one to others," one unnamed retired FBI chief tells the Post.
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"I have never heard of such a form. Sounds strange," an anonymous FBI agent said.

The Post additionally reports some FBI agents are disappointed that Director James Comey decided against recommending that charges be brought against Clinton for her mishandling of classified information.

"FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the[Attorney General] Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting" just hours before the release of a House report on the Benghazi, Libya terror attack in 2012, one unnamed source tells the Post.
Another Justice Department source tells the newspaper he was "furious" with Comey, deriding him for having "managed to piss off right and left."
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