Thursday, July 7, 2016

Will Congress Have The Intestinal Fortitude To Indict Hillary Or Are They Grandstanding?

Indict Hillary For Contempt Of Congress
Published on on July 7, 2016
FBI Director James Comey testified before Congress today that Hillary lied when she said that she neither sent nor received classified material. And that nothing was marked classified on the e mails on her server.   And that she lied when she said her server was not hacked.  And that she lied when she said that she turned over all her work-related e mails to the State Department.  

All these lies where spoken in media interviews on virtually every news show in the country.

But they were also repeated before Congress in her sworn testimony during the Benghazi hearings.

Asked why he did not recommend prosecution for perjury, Comey answered that he did not have a referral and that he needed one to investigate further.   The Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said he would send a referral over in a matter of "hours."

Now, maybe we've finally got her.  

The Justice Department has decided not to indict her for mishandling of classified material.  But how about lying under oath to Congress?

The FBI will find it hard not to recommend prosecution.  The facts are evident and clear.

If the Justice Department won't prosecute this clear instance of perjury, their partisanship will be on display.  And the decision will have been made following an FBI recommendation, but most likely opposing it.

Lying under oath seems to run in the Clinton family.  Maybe it is contagious.

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