Friday, July 1, 2016

Will It Occur? Will Obama Run For Another Term?

We have been watching with amazement how this move to put Obama back in the White House for his third or later term has proceeded.  This is too planned, too orchestrated to be happenstance.

In October last year, 13 months before the election, Obama said on CBS's 60 Minutes that he would like to have a third term but could not due to the 22nd amendment.  Was this the
 opening gambit to see how Americans would react?

Since last year there have been ongoing stories about his Presidential Library's location, his retirement
 home, what their plans are after his term expires. These  were all "head shakes" to
get the non-thinking, "everything is normal" crowd to disregard the magician's tricks.

We have said to many people that we do not believe that Obama, who is different from all previous 
Presidents,  wants to leave the White House.  He comes from a family who does not love America.
 His wife said so in the 2008 campaign. His father hated anything American or colonialist.  
And remember he wanted to "fundamentally change America".  What would be a bigger change 
than having a President run for more than two terms? Yes, we do remember 
FDR, but he was outside the norm and the cause of the 22nd Amendment.

Additionally, he believes that the country owes him something. We mean, more than the free education, 
more than the respect of electing him as the first Black President (if you don't count Clinton.)  This country
owes him the right to the free multi-million dollar vacations, the free pass he gets from the media on all 
matters Presidential, the excuses we give for his being the worst President in history.

Why would he give this all up?  If he were to leave the White House, he would have to buy a home or two, 
buy a number of cars to start off. Then he would have to pay for those outrageously expensive vacations
 that he and his family would take. He would have to employ hundreds of cooks, gardeners, drivers, 
and caterers that he has been used to having at the White House. He would have to hire 80
 assistants for his wife. And the list goes on.

Why would he give up all of this?  We don't think he wants to or is willing to do so.

In the past two days we have come across a couple articles that have made this whole third 
term scenario have some teeth and it's about time as the Democrats meet in Philadelphia in just 
over three weeks.  

The first article was in the past week and posted here yesterday.  Entitled "Will Obama Run For A Third
Term", it was related to the rousing welcome that Obama received in Canada where their members of 
Parliament gave a rousing "Third term" cheer.  Things like that don't happen spontaneously. 
It was planned and orchestrated by Obama's supporters.  The article did not get much play in the 
lame stream media, however, a breaking dam starts with a small leak.

The following story by a "conservative" polling outlet, says that a vast majority of Democrats would rather
have a third term by Obama than a Hillary Clinton one.  What do these Dems know that the rest of us 
are not privy to?  

The dam is starting to leak, the flood will soon hit out TV screens and front pages. 

The closer we get to the Democratic Convention, we expect to see more stories like the these which are 
intended to cushion the blow when the eventuality occurs.  We will not be surprised if in the
next couple weeks, Hillary is indicted and Obama will be asked to run for a third term. It appears as if 
the Democrats are ready for that eventuality. Are you?

Could Bill Clinton have been trying to convince Loretta Lynch that indicting Hillary would be a bad idea?
Was that the real reason for their clandestine (unplanned, impromptu--yea right!!) meeting in Arizona?

This year has been a real sideshow and we believe the best is yet to come.

Conservative Tom

 Majority of Democrats want third terms for Obama


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A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found.
Data provided to The Hill by the conservative polling outlet WPA Research found that 67 percent of Democrats would take a third term for Obama over a potential Clinton administration.
Only 28 percent said they’re ready to move on from the Obama White House, while 6 percent are undecided.
Obama is enjoying a surprisingly strong approval rating for a president serving out the final months of his second term.
A Washington Post-ABC News survey released this week found Obama’s net approval rating approaching 80 points in positive territory among Democrats. Former President Bill Clinton was at about 60 points positive within his own party at this point in 2000, while former President George W. Bush was under 40 with Republicans.
At the same time, a Gallup survey from April found Clinton’s net approval rating among Democrats hitting a new low. She had a 63-point net positive approval rating last November. That plummeted to only 36 points in April.
“The results should give pause to the Hillary Clinton campaign as Democratic respondents clearly prefer the status quo to a Clinton presidency,” a memo from WPA said.

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Clinton is looking to unite Democrats behind her campaign after a bitterly fought primary againstBernie Sanders.
There was good news for Clinton on this front in The Washington Post survey released this week, which found Sanders supporters moving quickly behind Clinton over Trump.
The WPA survey of 384 registered Democrats was conducted between June 22 and 27 and has a margin of error of 5 percentage points.

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