Sunday, August 28, 2016

Adelson Makes His Impact

NY Times: Trump's 'Regret' Speech Came After Sheldon Adelson Meeting

Image: NY Times: Trump's 'Regret' Speech Came After Sheldon Adelson Meeting
 Sheldon Adelson (Getty Images)
By Todd Beamon   |   Saturday, 27 Aug 2016 09:27 PM
Donald Trump expressed "regret" about some of his fiery rhetoric last week after casino magnate Sheldon Adelson urged him "to demonstrate a measure of humility" in a private meeting the day before speaking in North Carolina, according to news reports.
The session with Adelson, 83, head of the Las Vegas Sands Corp. and one of the GOP's largest donors, was held at the St. Regis Hotel in New York City on Aug. 17, The New York Times reports.
Adelson, head of the Republican Jewish Coalition, has pledged $100 million to Trump's effort. He told the developer that he remained "committed to his campaign," according to the Times.
The following night, Trump told a rally in Charlotte: "Sometimes, in the heat of debate, and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing.
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"And, believe it or not, I regret it.
"I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain," he said. "Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues."
However, "it was unclear if it would be enough for him to fulfill his pledge to Mr. Trump," the Times reports, sourcing its article on "five Republicans briefed on the conversation who were not authorized to discuss it publicly."
Adelson "was uneasy with Mr. Trump’s behavior in the weeks after the Republican convention last month," according to the Times.
The period included the nominee's attacks on a Gold Star family whose son was a U.S. Army captain who had been killed in Iraq.
Neither Adelson nor his wife, Miriam, have yet contributed to Trump's campaign, the Republican National Committee or "the groups backing him" since pledging the $100 million in May, the Times reports.
Miriam Adelson also attended last week's meeting.
The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment from the Times.
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