Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hillary's Emails Are Becoming A Much Bigger Issue--And They Should Be!

Trump: 'Earth-Shattering' WikiLeaks Release of Hillary Emails to Come

Image: Trump: 'Earth-Shattering' WikiLeaks Release of Hillary Emails to Come
By Todd Beamon   |   Friday, 26 Aug 2016 08:20 PM
Donald Trump said Friday that the upcoming release of hacked emails by WikiLeaks "sounds like it's going to be very, very earth-shattering" for Hillary Clinton and that he would "seriously" consider keeping the email investigation open if he won in November.
"I have no idea," what WikiLeaks plans to release, Trump told Kimberly Guilfoyle on Fox News, "but I can imagine that it would be very bad.
"It sounds like it's going to be very, very earth-shattering," he added. "We will see what happens."
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Fox in an interview that aired on Wednesday that his organization was still evaluating the hacked documents, as well as when and how they would be released.
The documents, however, will be released before the Nov. 8 election, Assange said.
"It's a variety of different types of documents from different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign," Assange told"The Kelly File" before adding that the documents contain "some quite unexpected angles that are quite interesting — some even entertaining."
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Trump told Guilfoyle Friday that he believed that the National Security Agency was among the federal agencies protecting the Democrat.
"A lot of people say NSA would have the emails if they really wanted to get them," he said. "Obviously, they don't want to get them.
"They are protecting her. They are coddling her.
"Maybe somebody should, in fact, ask the NSA whether or not they have the emails."
Trump declined to say whether he would continue the email probe should he take the White House, only "that's something that would be a possibility.
"We're looking at that very seriously."
He also said that his stance on illegal immigration has not changed in recent days and that "I don't know" whether the heated racial rhetoric has gone too far between he and both Clinton and her running mate, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine.
"I don't know if it's too far or not," he told Guilfoyle. "I can tell you that they have done — and she has done — a terrible job for African Americans."
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