Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Islamic Refugees Get Priority Over Our Friends

Obama Welcomes Unvetted Islamic

 Refugees While These Heroes Suffer

  • 08/10/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
While Barack Obama rushes ahead with his plan to import thousands of
 unvetted Islamic refugees from Syria, another more deserving group sits
on the sidelines: the well vetted, battle tested Iraqi and Afghani interpreters
 who served alongside American soldiers in the war on terror.

This morning the Fox and Friends cast was joined by Jason Gorey, COO
of No One Left Behind, and veteran founded organization that helps these
brave men and women resettle and land on their feet in the United States.
Gorey, a combat veteran with anextensive intelligence resume explained:
 You mentioned that they're refugees, but I actually consider them fellow

veterans. They fought alongside our forces, very often on the very

front lines. These are combat interpreters, and their lives are at risk

based on their service, and they've applied to come to America. More

than 12,000 of them are still in the pipeline to come to America because

their lives are at risk, based on their service alongside my brothers and

sisters in the military.
Gorey's statements are often echoed by American troops, whoa re puzzled
 as to why interpreters that pass regular intelligence background checks
must wait for years to obtain visas. Many are forced to go into hiding
because they are prime targets for groups like the Taliban and ISIS. These
groups often target collaborators for the worst sort of torture as a means of
 discouraging future collaborators in the war on terror.

So why are these refugees who have time and again been willing to sacrifice
their lives to save Americans running for their lives while unvetted Syrian
refugees pour into our communities? Gorey addresses this:
I honestly don't have a good explanation for it. The average waiting time

that we've seen is about three years for them to come to America to be

vetted, and we're seeing far less time for these Syrian refugees. The only

explanation I have is that it's a political football, that the administration is

playing politics with the Syrian refugees, and you've correctly identified,

that I think many of these refugees from Syria and around the world are

very difficult to vet, they don't have documents. Meanwhile, you have

American soldiers that are willing to verify the service of these interpreters,

to vouch for them, and to say that their service was valuable. 
These brave interpreters are learning the same thing that Israel, Great Britain,
 and the rest of America's longstanding allies have learned during the Obama
years. It's better to be America's enemy than it is to be our ally. 

 Source: AAN

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