Sunday, August 21, 2016

Minneapolis Shows Its Ugly Side

Minneapolis police, Secret Service protect Trump motorcade from protesters
Minneapolis police, Secret Service protect Trump motorcade from protesters
Despite a hoard of anti-Trump protesters beating on the doors of the Minneapolis Convention Center where the Republican candidate was hosting a private fundraising dinner for donors, spitting on Trump supporters forced to run a gauntlet as they entered the building and even storming the Trump motorcade and jumping on the hood of one of the vehicles, police reported no arrests were made.
The protest, billed as a “Torch Trump” event, ran throughout the day Friday ahead of the fundraising event, with the crowds blocking traffic at times.
The demonstration was organized by the Minnesota Immigrants Rights Action Committee, reported the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
“You’ve got somebody out there saying things that used to only be said in the shadows,” Giselda Gutierrez, a demonstrator who lives in Minneapolis, told the Star-Tribune. “I think what he’s saying represents something pretty dangerous for our country.”

Those who harassed donors were reportedly not part of the earlier peaceful protest. Many who screamed at the donors and spit at them hid their faces behind scarves. The group also burned a U.S. flag when attendees left the event.
While police did not respond when Trump’s supporters were accosted, they did spring into action to assist the Secret Service when the crowd turned its attention to the motorcade, breaching security, Gateway Pundit reported.
Trump did not make a public appearance, grant media interviews or hold a news conference while in Minneapolis. Although the event was closed to the media, an attendee live-streamed Trump’s remarks.
“If I could win a state like Minnesota, the path is a whole different thing,” Trump said. “It becomes a much, much different race. We’re going to give it our greatest shot.”
Copyright 2016 WND


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