Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Obama, If He Leaves Office, Will Have Been Able To "Fundamentally Change America" And Folks, It Is Not In A Positive Directon

The nexus of radical Islam and Black Lives Matter

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump wasn’t too far off the mark earlier this month when he said President Barack Obama is the founder of ISIS and that Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton are the most valuable players of ISIS.
The Obama doctrine has allowed ISIS to flourish, while at home, black supremacists are building armed resistance through Black Lives Matter. Clearly, Obama has neglected the military on the one hand and laid the blame for societal ills at white institutions on the other. Worst of all, Clinton shows signs she will be a loyal Obama disciple.
Already Obama and Clinton have twisted Michael Corleone’s words from The Godfather — Part II. Often credited to Sun Tzu or Machiavelli — it is Corleone who says, “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.” The Obama doctrine is: be kind to your friends but even kinder to your enemies.
Because of the policies of Obama, Clinton and other progressives in the administration, ISIS has been enabled to flourish along with the anarchistic Black Lives Matter. Their common enemy is white Christians, Jews and Western institutions. Obama is the first anti-law-and-order president. His hobby horse is to blame law enforcement every time a cop shoots an African American regardless of the circumstances.

Debt will soar

Clinton has indicated she will continue Obama’s disastrous foreign and domestic policies which have doubled U.S. federal debt since Obama took office.
Since 2009, the national debt has increased by more than $8 trillion. On January 20, 2009, the debt stood at $10.6 trillion. It was at $19.45 trillion last Friday. You can watch the second-by-second debt clock, though it may make you feel queasy, by clicking
If the graph below were recent, it would show that under Obama U.S. federal debt has reached 107 percent of GDP, the rarefied air that debt levels only reached once before, in fighting and winning World War II. Regarding the George W. Bush and Obama debt, I can honestly say it is wasted money and did not produce all the benefits that came from that victory in terms of trade, jobs and overall wealth.

Projected federal debt held by the public as a percentage of GDP

Projected federal debt
The graph above shows federal debt as a percent of U.S. GDP for the years 1780 through to 2013. Obama has been a busy spender over the past three years and this chart does not reflect spending over the past six years.
Certainly all this money has bought nothing. After blowing $10 trillion in eight years, allies have lost faith in us. Our competitors, Russia and China, no longer respect us, and our enemies, Islamic extremists, fear us less.
America is a sick and aging superpower. Isolated and alone, we are being hunted by an extremism like we have never before encountered; an enemy that embraces their own martyrdom.

Projected federal debt held by the public as a percentage of GDP

Projected federal debt
The graph above is projected for 2044. Long before the U.S. reaches federal debt of 140 percent of GDP, the dollar will cease to exist.
As secretary of state, Clinton, along with President Obama, created a perfect vacuum in the Middle East by hastily exiting Iraq, not supporting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak (a staunch American ally) and prompting radicals to murder Libya’s repentant strongman Moammar Gadhafi, a stabilizing force in Libya. His absence lead directly to the Benghazi butchery that allowed for the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. The vacuum was quickly filled by ISIS; a most violent terrorist group to date bent on building a caliphate that crosses borders established by colonialists and has global ambitions that stretch all the way to the Americas.
I am compelled to tell you I was wrong two years ago when, under the headline Washington and the dogs of war I wrote: “(ISIS) has at most 30,000 soldiers spread across the Middle East driving Toyota pickups with men wearing ski masks under the hot desert sun. Again, are you kidding me? Thirty thousand bandits whose total number equals a few brigades of the U.S. army are a threat to the civilization?”
I apologize for my ignorance and credit the research and thinking I have done since. On the research side I suggest to you a documentary and a book.
The documentary is from a PBS/Frontline program that originally aired October 28, 2014, which is titled, The Rise of ISIS, and can be watched in its entirety on YouTube.
The book I read this past June is by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Joby Warrick and is titled: Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS. Told in brutal honesty and detail, Black Flags is not a book for the squeamish. The book is available for download in PDF format through Facebook or through
I have not changed my belief that as a military force, ISIS is not a threat outside the Middle East. But even as occupied lands have been taken back, ISIS has increased its attacks on the West through brainwashed Westerners. ISIS has an organized command and control structure and a worldwide propaganda machine that al-Qaida never dreamed of.
ISIS earns considerable income whenever the opportunity presents itself and has a clear line of succession for when its leaders are captured or killed.

America’s black president

At the same time, Obama’s sense of injustice and inequality against blacks have made him one of the most divisive presidents in history.
Last January, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Alabama) said “There probably has not been a more racially divisive, economic divisive president in the White House since we had presidents who supported slavery,” on an Alabama radio show The Dale Jackson Show, according to audio posted by Buzzfeed News.
So much so that Obama’s deeply held racism of American whites has spilled over and has led to routine race rioting like what happened this month in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The White House’s tolerance of the cold blooded assassinations of on-duty police, as in Dallas where cops shielded peaceful African Americans, is almost inexplicable.
Obama’s presidency has been a lie. While he may profess to walk in the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr., Obama has lost himself and has stumbled sometimes too close to the dark path that carried Africa’s most despicable leaders during the second half of the 20thCentury. Men like Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe and Francisco Nguema. Obama has the egomania of such dictators and created unprecedented presidential powers and a penchant for forgiving African American’s regardless of their actions.
Fortunately he will be out of office in six long months. But he has created a precedent that Clinton has all but promised to copy. More importantly America is already infected with the virus of radical Islam which, just as it was in Iraq, is being incubated in correctional prisons.
America’s prison systems house some lonely malcontents. These are the dregs of society, discarded violent and angry men who would like nothing more than to be accepted, to be a part of something and to be rewarded for their psychopathic behavior. These are prime recruitment centers for jihadists.
The American Thinker published its summation of what is happening inside America’s prisons on December 5, 2014. Under the headline Prisons are breeding ground for jihadists it reads:
Prisons have become recruitment and training centers for future jihadists. It is an escalating crisis that is taking a toll, as Americans are murdered by those who convert to Islam in prison.
The rising influence of Islam in our prisons is due to a disproportionately high number of Muslims who are incarcerated, skyrocketing conversion rates, powerful Muslim gangs, the proliferation of Muslim chaplains, an uninformed prison power structure, and the outside influence of Islamic terror organizations.
Oh, and the fact that the FBI isn’t allowed to say “Islam,” “jihad,” or target the very people who are trying to kill us as part of America’s dangerous ride on the Dhimmi bandwagon.
The article points out some disturbing facts, notably that Muslims make up less than 1 percent of the U.S. general population but 15 percent of the prison population. Overall, there are 350,000 Muslims in the U.S. correctional system, a number that is growing. It is estimated that there is between 40,000 and 135,000 U.S. convicts locked up with no future, no plans and a lot of anger. I think it is safe to say that radical Islam will give them a way to express that anger.
The designs that radical Islam has on American inmates has been made shockingly clear in an article published last month by Jihad Watch. The headline focuses my message today, Islam, Revolution, and Black Lives Matter. It reads:
The alliance between jihadists and the opportunistic, violent movement Black Lives Matter has already been addressed on Jihad Watch, and the role of the Nation of Islam was discussed. Jihadists — violent and stealth — will use any and every opportunity to gain ground. They are particularly “good” at soliciting and manipulating angry youth – from every class and race – which are misfits or underdogs looking for a sense of purpose and personal power…
It was at the Annual MAS-ICNA (Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America) Muslim convention in December 2015 that activist Khalilah Sabra said to the audience, “Basically you are the new black people of America… We are the community that staged a revolution across the world. If we could do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?”
And yet Clinton ignores this growing race issue in her race for the White House. She seems willfully blind to the problem of Black Lives Matter, a group which progressives slouch off as if it were any different than the American Jewish Society for Service. But it is different even if Obama, in typical fashion, doesn’t want to realize those differences or how his economic policies have impacted African Americans, 20 million more who are on food stamps than when Obama took office.
Rather than trying to sooth racial fears, there is a long list of things Obama has done to exacerbate them. The president is so shamelessly crass that he defended the Black Lives Matter movement at the very memorial service to honor the five slain Dallas police officers. Obama’s message amidst the shock and grieving was that bigotry remains a problem in police departments across the U.S. He went on to say Americans, “cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid.”
Being paranoid is thinking the CIA is following you. Being paranoid is not what white Americans feel when their last line of defense, the police, are being executed by anarchists and home grown jihadists.
I find Obama’s comments utterly indefensible. Apparently half the country doesn’t. He still has a 50 percent approval rating. Such approval for a president whose own White House visitor logs shows more than 100 visits by Al Sharpton.
I doubt Obama was picking Sharpton’s mind. On February 13, 1994, Sharpton stood before a crowd at Kean College in New Jersey and told the student audience:
White folks was in the caves while we was building empires, we built pyramids before Donald Trump even knew what architecture was… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it… Do some cracker come and tell you, ‘Well my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,’ you better hold your pocket. That ain’t nothing to be proud of, that means their forefathers was crooks.
It’s a shame Sharpton wasn’t brought in on foreign policy meetings. I understand he is well read with a library full of pop-up books although none are written by “homos.”
Mark my words. The progressives will turn Obama into a demigod whose memory will be revered. Stricken from the history books and school curriculum is that Obama is a racist and the most destructive president in a century whose domestic and foreign policies endangered the very nation he swore to protect.
And before you think I am harsh on my judgements of Obama, let me ask you this: what would the media and the people say if George W. Bush invited that numbskull David Duke to the White House just once?
Yours in good times and bad,

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