Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Second Amendment Explained By Ice T

The Founders vs The Obama Admin On Guns Brilliantly Explained In 2 Sentences

founders vs liberals on guns
V. Saxena reports that rapper Ice-T came out swinging in defense of the Second Amendment in a recent interview, bluntly stating that the right to bear arms is “the last form of defense against tyranny.”
“Yeah, it’s legal in the United States,” he answered when a British interviewer asked him whether he carries guns, according to CNS News.
“It’s part of our Constitution, you know,” he continued. “The right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt. It’s to protect yourself from the police.”
Listen to the full interview below:
“Well, I’ll give up my gun when everybody else does,” he added during the interview. “Doesn’t that make sense? If there were guns here, would you want to be the only person without one?”
BOOM again!
Moreover, when the interviewer asked if there was a link between mass shootings and the prevalence of guns in America, Ice-T bluntly said, “No, not really!”
“If somebody wants to kill people, you know, they don’t need a gun to do it,” he added.
Exactly. Murderers and psychopaths use a variety of tools to kill people, including but not limited to knives, bombs and automobiles.

Honestly, the rapper’s words came as a sort of shock to me. When I think of rappers, particularly rappers who spew violent lyrics, I immediately picture the Democrat Party and career criminal Hillary Clinton.
But apparently, when it comes to the Second Amendment, this rapper aligns with us conservatives. Good decision!
Interestingly enough, he is not the only icy rapper with brains. Take rapper Ice Cube, for instance, who said the following about GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump back in April:
Donald Trump is what Americans love. Donald Trump is what Americans aspire to be — rich, powerful, do what you wanna do, say what you wanna say, be how you wanna be. That’s kind of been like the American dream. He looks like a boss to everybody, and Americans love to have a boss.
Wow! My mind has officially been blown!

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