Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Censorship Come To America

A very scary thing happened last week that is just being reported. A popular conservative show was shut down across the US. Now this is not some hate monger, terrorist supporting nutbag, rather it was the second most popular conservative talk show, the Savage Nation.  Michael Savage is a strong supporter of Trump and he was discussing Hillary's health which is probably why he is the subject of this "special attention."

The major issue, as we see it, was a massive attack on Michael Savage's free speech, the right of association for all conservatives resulting from government censorship.  If they can do it to Savage, how long before it is Rush Limbaugh or even your local conservative will be shut down.  This is chilling!

We used to admire Glenn Beck, however, over the past couple years we have seen him go away from his once in depth investigations of the government, of political figures (both Republican and Democrat) an other breaking issues that influence our daily lives.  Was he warned that continuing down this road would get him jailed, fined, investigated, audited, cancelled? Is he just the first of many who will be silenced (neutered) when faced with the power of government?  If so this is a sad day in the US.

Dr. Drew Pinksky's show was cancelled after he discussed Hillary's health. (See his comments here:http://www.thewrap.com/dr-drew-gravely-concerned-hillary-clinton-health/)  There were denials from the network but now with the Savage issue and the change in Glen Beck, we are seeing a trend,

Is Hillary's health not  issue about which we should be concerned?  After all she is running for the Presidency and if she is not physically healthy enough to endure the travails of the office, we should know.

Will Savage go away from his prominent role in criticizing the government and Hillary and become just another talking head promoting the government talking points?  We hope not but we would not blame him if he did.

How much longer can the US exist as a place where you can freely express your opinion when alternative voices are extinguished?  We expect not long.

Conservative Tom

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