Monday, September 12, 2016

Democrats Investigating Options To Hillary--

David Shuster: DNC 

Reportedly Considering 

“Emergency Meeting” 

To Replace Hillary

It is with great trepidation that we must report that apparently the Powers
 That Be within the Democratic Party are considering drafting a
 replacement for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after a video
 of her possibly collapsing from heatstroke or pneumonia emerged today.
Emmy-winning MSNBC and al-Jazeera reporter David Shuster tweeted
 out that:

Clarification from dem operatives @HillaryClinton pneumonia: Expect emergency DNC meeting to CONSIDER replacement.

After weeks of having to put up with right-wing conspiracies about
Democratic nominee Clinton’s health, it does appear that the sixty-eight
year old politician is having some issues. The idea that Secretary Clinton
 is less healthy than her competitor, Donald Trump (70) is frankly
 ludicrous; it’s not former candidates/competitors like John McCain (80)
or John Kerry (72) or Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT, 75) are any younger
or healthier.
Of anyone in the world, we can assume that Clinton will receive the best
 medical treatment there is, and watching any of her speeches makes it
 obvious that her mental faculties are still just as strong as they ever were.

This man told us Trump's health was the greatest of all time and we're investigating if a pneumonia claim is legit

Possible replacements for Hillary, if it comes to that, are likely runner
 up Bernie Sanders and Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine. Let’s
hope she gets through this and regains her good health as soon as
possible to defeat Donald Trump and keep the Oval Office in Democratic

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