Friday, September 9, 2016

Feel Sorry For Hillary, She Is Mentally Challenged But Vote For Trump

GOP lawmaker: Be nice to Clinton, she has ‘special needs’

GOP Rep. Louis Gohmert says Republicans should lay off talk about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s health—but not for the same reason her campaign is urging media stop with the health talk.
Speaking to a group gathered for the Values Voter Summit, Gohmert said Christians shouldn’t make fun of Clinton for being disabled.
“I do want want to warn, since most people here are Christians, and I’m serious about this — a true believer does what Jesus did and still does. You don’t make fun of people who are impaired [or] have special needs. And whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear she is mentally impaired, and this is not somebody you should be making fun of,” the lawmaker said.
Gohmert suggested that the Democratic nominee’s campaign is working overtime to cover the fact that Clinton is far past her prime.
“I get the impression that in law school and along the way, she’s been very, very smart, but — I don’t know. Maybe it was the concussion, the fall back, when she did. Or maybe — who knows,” Gohmert said, according to Washington Examiner. “They won’t tell us what really is going on with her, but if I were going to smash cell phones, Blackberrys, I’d use a two pound sledge. I think that’s the most — well maybe, who knows. Maybe somebody got to wail it around and hit her again.”
Gohmert, who initially supported Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president, said conservative voters should pray for Clinton but vote for GOP nominee Donald Trump.
“We need to be praying for Hillary Clinton. There’s special needs there, there’s mental impairment,” Gohmert said. “I mean, seriously. She can’t remember.”

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