Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hillary Eyes Mean Something

Hillary Clinton's eye movements get attention dring a speech at Temple University in Philadelphia on Monday, Sept. 19, 2016 (YouTube)
Hillary Clinton’s eye movements get attention during a speech at Temple University in Philadelphia on Monday, Sept. 19, 2016 (YouTube)
As Hillary Clinton’s health continues to be an issue in the final weeks of this year’s presidential contest, there is suddenly a focus on the Democrat’s “mysterious” eye movements during a speech Monday in Philadelphia.
“Hillary’s eyes appeared not in-sync with one another, as the left eye looked to be cock-eyed and displaced, especially as she looked towards the left,” noted John Binder of the American Mirror.
The Mirror assembled a video “montage of Hillary’s eye-catching moments” as she spoke at Temple University:
The ocular phenomenon even prompted the popular Drudge Report to splash a banner headline reading, “Unfocused.” It featured a black-and-white still shot from Clinton’s appearance.
Commenters online remarked on Clinton’s appearance in the video:
  • “Her left eye is absolutely not tracking with the right eye.”
  • “Her eyes are literally going in opposite directions. SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS CHICK!”
  • “My mom is 87 years old and looks so much better than this creature does.”
Clinton’s speech in Philadelphia came the same day two doctors told WND the Democratic nominee is suffering a serious neurological disease that should disqualify her from being president.
“An individual who suffers from post-concussion syndrome is not medically qualified to be president,” said Dr. Daniel Kassicieh, D.O., a dual board-certified osteopathic neurologist and a leading headache specialist who directs the Florida Headache and Movement Disorder Center in Sarasota, Florida.
“Minimal cognitive syndrome can be a warning precursor to dementia.”
Meanwhile, Theodore “Ted” Noel, a retired anesthesiologist in Orlando, Florida, with 36 years experience and a background in critical care medicine explained to WND he was so convinced Clinton has Parkinson’s disease that he has now produced several videos arguing that point.
“Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disease from which there is no medical cure,” Noel argued.
He added that should Clinton’s campaign acknowledge she has the disease, her presidential bid would be over.
But he said if it’s not Parkinson’s, she, nevertheless, is suffering from “a major neurological process that almost certainly renders her incapable of performing effectively the duties of the president.”
Follow Joe Kovacs on Twitter @JoeKovacsNews
Copyright 2016 WND


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