Monday, September 19, 2016

Hillary Will Do And Say Anything To Win. Is That Going To Backfire? We Think So!

Hillary Clinton is in big trouble.
The media pundits like to point out what they call Trump’s “unforced errors,” but Hillary can barely keep from figuratively, and sometimes literally, tripping over her own feet every time she appears in public.
Hillary is lucky to have the mainstream media covering for her, but these days she can barely scrounge up a decent 10-second sound bite to give them.
Hillary’s public appearances are kept very short. And as she speaks, there is a timidity that was not there before she had her last two bad weeks on the trail.
Bill Clinton is being affected by this slump, too.
The old pro, Bill Clinton, even botched his interview with Charlie Rose when he miserably failed to assure voters that Hillary was just fine after her Weekend-At-Bernie’s-style medical episode on Sept. 11.
Even the best teams in baseball can go through slumps, and it isn’t because its talent has somehow evaporated overnight. When a team takes the field believing it will lose, that sentiment becomes self-fulfilling.
The same is true about winning. If the team takes the field believing it will win, its odds of winning go way up.
As Hillary’s lead in the polls disappears, the thought that she could lose is creeping into her mind. She is getting desperate. She is swinging harder and missing every pitch – even the softballs from the mainstream media.
Donald Trump believes he is a winner, and it shows. His appearance on “The Dr. Oz Show” and “The Tonight Show” at the end of last week showed how comfortable he is handling every pitch. Trump is on a winning streak, and that confidence shows.
As Trump’s streak continues, the fair-weather fans will start to jump on board the Trump train.
As the American public watches the polls shift in Trump’s favor, even the most ardent anti-Trumpers will start to get on board, even if they don’t make their decision public.
When Trump was down in most polls by five points or more, it was easier for Never Trumpers to justify withholding their votes from Trump. As they see that they can join a winning team, the anti-Trump contingent will get smaller and smaller.
The latest Fox News poll shows Trump has the same percentage of Republicans supporting him as Hillary has Democrats supporting her. I talked about that poll and the fading Never Trump movement on Fox Business Network on Friday:
Watch for Hillary’s slump to continue as the polls shift further in Trump’s direction. She is getting desperate, and that is the worst place to be in any competition whether baseball or politics. As Trump continues to show the public that he is a winner, Hillary will continue whiffing every pitch.
Video: Clinton Foundation president: No 'pay-for-play' tactics
Copyright 2016 WND


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