Friday, September 30, 2016

Shave To Save Campaign Started Again--How Much Can You Help Kids While Conservative Tom Loses His Hair??

Each fall usually in September, I request that you help me out with my annual fundraising for Stephens Soldiers and our event, Shave To Save. Each year for the past five, we have raised money to support our organization and its goal of education of the public on childhood cancer, to support organizations like the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society who daily are getting closer to finding a cure for blood cancers and the Rainbow Connection which provides "a dream" to MIchigan kids who have or have had life threatening diseases. Additionally, we have teamed up with a local company, Producers Choice Network to provide scholarships to former cancer patients who will be attending college in the fall as freshmen. We have had some real successes.
However, the most fun for me is that sometime in late October, I will be shaving my head for "Shave To Save". Now I know that most of you do not want me to shave it all off and that is ok but I know there are some of you who like the bald look! So this year I am making a contest of it. I will match the group that gives the most dollars to our event! Let's really hurt my pocket book!
Thanks so much, kids will cancer will benefit greatly from your contribution!

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