Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Smartest Woman In The World Is Stupid

Clinton told FBI she thought classified markings were alphabetical paragraphs

Hillary Clinton told FBI agents in July that she thought the classified "C" markings on emails recovered from her private emails were just a way to put paragraphs in alphabetical order.
FBI Director James Comey had said his agents pulled three emails marked classified off her server system in the course of their year-long investigation.
"When asked what the parenthetical 'C' meant before a paragraph ... Clinton stated she did not know and could only speculate it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order," the FBI wrote in notes from its interview with her.
The FBI released an 11-page summary of the interview alongside 58 pages of notes from the investigation.
The notes indicate Clinton told agents she had a limited understanding of why documents are classified and could not recall ever receiving training on how to handle sensitive material.

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