Wednesday, September 21, 2016

This Is Obama's America And It Is Only Going To Get Worse Before The Election!

It seems that any police involved shooting is a free ticket to those who believe they have the right, to riot!  That is insanity. We don't know the outcome of the shooting investigation and already cops are being hurt, Walmart stores sacked, rocks being thrown at cars, fires set on interstates. What has happened here?

The only answer is that from the beginning of the Obama Administration, he has stoked the fires of hate between blacks and whites. Starting with the professor who was asked to provide identification and refused when police responded to his home after they received a call of a potential breakin.  Why did he refuse, he said it was his home and he did not need to do so.

Obama immediately said that the police acted stupidly and only later tried to calm things with his "beer summit."  He did not know the facts but reacted like any community organizer would--to call out the police.

We are seeing the outcome of demonization of police and the failure to punish those who set fires and loot stores.  However, it will only get worse.

Will it get worse?  Most assuredly.  We expect that before the election there will be multiple such events stoked by George Soro's funding of Black Lives Matter. Why else would be provide the funding for an organization whose goals are not positive.. Check out the goals on their site:

In the past week, we have seen terror attacks in New Jersey, New York City, Minnesota and the police shooting created Charlotte riots and Tulsa. My friends, this is only the beginning and as we get closer to the elections they will multiply to the extent (as many conspiracy believers think) there will be a call to stop the elections "until the rioting and danger from attacks is over."  We hope and pray this does not happen but events are not making us feel this might be a possibility.

Whether it is a 1% chance or 60%, it does not matter, the problem is that we are thinking it might and that is disastrous.  It is a distinct possibility that if Hillary starts losing by big percentages in the polls that there will be something will happen to stop the elections. 

The Democrats believe that they control the government and should Trump become President, all their power, their influence will be gone.  They will then do anything to maintain their influence.  

Friends, we are in dangerous territory. The next two months might be pivotal to the future of the US.  Let's hope that we are completely wrong. 

Conservative Tom

11 Worst Reactions to the Rioting in Charlotte That Left Multiple Cops Injured

Getty - Sean Rayford
Emotions were running high in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the hours that followed Tuesday's shooting of 43-year-old Keith Lamont Scott.
Initial reports from the scene were conflicting, as police sources reported that he had a gun while family members claimed he only had a book.

 family explains what happened. You can hear the pain & frustration, and these BW will get the truth.
When violent riots quickly followed, leaving twelve police officers injured, a number of Americans responded:

This is attempted murder. They're throwing rocks at random cars driving under the overpass. This is Obama's America.

Block traffic.

Loot 18 wheelers.

Set things on fire.

Because punishing innocent people when you are angry makes sense.
But many claimed that Scott was killed simply for being black in America:

The last time someone was at risk of getting killed for reading or knowing how to read was during slavery. It's 2016 tho.
And some began to make excuses for the angry protesters:

If you're not angry, you are willfully ignoring the system. Or you benefit from it, and don't want to lose it. 

Don't tell the people of  to calm down. Tell them to speak their mind. And then listen. Because tonight is the tip of the iceberg.

This Is What Happens When You Let Democrats Run Your City
@KlayVolk this is what happens when thousands of innocent unarmed black lives are murdered by police officers.

They have race soldiers in riot gear out there in  right now because citizens are reacting to the execution of

If you're more upset by looting & protesting than you are about the murder of an innocent man, you're part of the problem.

Another murder. Unarmed disabled black man in  shot dead by police. Not sharing the livefeed from his daughter. Its hell to watch.
Would u be orderly/calm if your dad was shot dead while sitting in a car reading a book waiting for his kid to get off the bus?
Scott's own brother spoke out, calling white police officers — and "all white people" — "f**king devils":
The problem with that comment is simple. The police officer who shot Scott wasn't even white:
While most took sides, actress Sophia Bush ("Chicago P.D.") stepped up to call for communication and unity:

A father was shot picking up his kids from school. Another, because his car broke down. BOTH unarmed. Both dead now. WE HAVE A PROBLEM.

And yes, it's possible to acknowledge that and ALSO acknowledge that many of our uniformed officers are dedicated, selfless, incredible

public servants. I work alongside a group of those men and women who I trust with my life. They are NOT mutually exclusive. So stop acting

like you have to take sides. You have to support what's right. to me. And so does the . Both. Fully. Truly.
While a few attacked her for her troubles:

like you have to take sides. You have to support what's right. to me. And so does the . Both. Fully. Truly.
@SophiaBush Sophia, babe, we need to talk about without defending the other side. Let it be its own topic.
Bush explained that playing a police officer on "Chicago P.D." in the current political climate has often led to her being engaged — and attacked — on social media. She also noted that she has always encouraged communication between her friends "on both sides of this crisis."
Meanwhile, local business owners are spending the morning cleaning up the damage, while the families of both Scott and the twelve injured police officers attempt to recover.

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