Thursday, September 22, 2016

When Iran Threatens The US And Israel We Should Listen As They Are So Unstable, It Will NOT Be An Idle Scare Tactic

Iran Threatens to “Turn Tel Aviv and Haifa to Dust”

“And in Thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that harass my soul; for I am Thy servant.” Psalms 143:12 (The Israel Bible™)
Iran threatened Israel during a military parade of its latest missile and naval technology on Wednesday.
The parade, shown on state television, commemorated the 1980 Iraqi invasion.
One banner on a military truck read, “If the leaders of the Zionist regime make a mistake then the Islamic Republic will turn Tel Aviv and Haifa to dust.” Another banner on a missile read in Hebrew, “Israel should be wiped off the Earth,” according to the Iranian state news agency, Fars News.
Long-range missiles, tanks and the S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system supplied by Russia, were on display. The navy also showed off 500 vessels and sea-based weapon systems in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas.
Iranian Maj. Gen. Mohammad Hossein Bagheri, during the parade, criticized America’s recent landmark $38 billion military aid deal with Israel.
“The criminal (U.S.) move to sign an agreement to present a supportive military package to the Zionist regime is a desperate attempt to protect the security vacuum of the regime and makes us more determined to increase our military power,” Bagheri said.


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