Monday, October 31, 2016

Are These Hypothetical Potential Outcomes Or Thoughts Of A Demented Mind?

NavyJack – WARNING: Cornered Animals Are The Most Dangerous!

NavyJack – WARNING: Cornered Animals Are The Most Dangerous!


With the General Election only a few days away, the globalist establishment and their Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton, have become cornered.  The reopening of the investigation into the illegal private email systems used by Secretary Clinton to avoid compliance with Federal recordkeeping laws has sent the globalists into panic. Of course, other Federal laws were also violated, including laws demanding the safeguard of classified materials.
As of Saturday night, the FBI had not been able to get the Justice Department to issue a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered emails, and therefore was still in the dark about whether they include any classified material that the bureau has not already seen.
“We do not have a warrant,” a senior law enforcement official said. “Discussions are under way [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward.”

Giving up power and exposing themselves to criminal prosecution by a new administration that is not corrupted by globalist influence is not an option. In fact, all options other than surrendering power are now on the table.

Globalist Options

We can speculate on what these options are, but I seriously doubt any of us are devious enough to even think of the methods that these demon infested parasites can come up with. What is important to remember is that they are animals; predators; wolves, intent on devouring the sheep and hunting down the sheepdogs. It is also important to remember that cornered animals are the most dangerous. Some of the proposals that are certainly on the table include:
  • Delay the election via Executive Order with or without Congressional consent
  • Instigate riots to provide the President with justification for the use of emergency powers
  • Instigate terrorist attacks to provide the President with justification for use of emergency powers
  • Provoke hostilities with a foreign power to suspend the election in conjunction with a War Powers Resolution

Certainly there are other options available. The objective of any of the above actions would be to provide the globalist interests with time to silence the FBI and any other voice that could hamper their ability to maintain power. Because of recent events, any path they choose will come with some level of risk and without the ability to guarantee the final outcome. The globalists and their Main Stream Media (MSM) partners are no longer in control of reality and that scares them.

Controlling the Narrative

Should a dynamic action be taken to delay or cancel the election, the optics of such an action would be imperative. For example, should the globalists decide to instigate riots to provide the President with justification for the use of emergency powers, the riots would necessarily have to be done by a group that the public would accept as disenfranchised by the FBIs action. This could be a group like La Raza that is highly supportive of Hillary Clinton’s open borders policies or even the Black Lives Matter movement that have endorsed her candidacy because of her support for federalized control of local police. Coordinated action by one of more of these types of groups could certainly lead to widespread social unrest, protests and riots. The administration would craft a narrative that voter intimidation, fear and physical damage to voting facilities had made conduct of the election untenable at this time. The MSM would be running 24/7 coverage of the protests/riots and broadcasting statements from prospective voters on how they were too afraid to go to the polls with all of the activity.  Most likely, the activity would be significantly less than the public perception because of inflation by the MSM.  The activities would have to be conducted in several cities in swing states that have Governors supportive of the globalist agenda.  These cities would be Cleveland Ohio, Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Richmond Virginia. Other cities/states including Phoenix Arizona, Baltimore Maryland, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Miami Florida and Denver Colorado would be included to ensure broad media attention.  Oath Keepers intelligence units are keeping extremely close tabs on the social media accounts, public statements and mobilization activities of the known extremist organizations.

The Jihadist Threat

Identification and tracking of Jihadi organizations like ISIS in America and Al Qaeda is far more difficult for us to carry out, but clearly jihadist terror attacks are also possible.  Imagine the massive disruptive effect of just a few well-selected jihadist terror attacks (IEDs and/or mass shootings) on early voting polling places and how easily the Obama Administration and it’s Jeh Johnson led DHS could respond to the “unprecedented attack on our democratic process” by  suspending or postponing the election.

Timetable for Action

If the globalists cannot regain control of the narrative within at least a week before Election Day, some action will be taken. Many have suggested that simply replacing Hillary Clinton as the DNC candidate would solve their dilemma. This is untrue for numerous reasons including the fact that replacing her with someone like Vice President Joe Biden does nothing to improve their odds of success at the polls. Because Senator Bernie Saunders is not an insider, his selection to replace Hillary Clinton is even less likely.  In any event, the globalists are strategizing today to decide on the actions they must begin to set into motion no later than November 5. They will most certainly have recall/escalate set-points with regard to any action taken should events improve or deteriorate further. They will also have one or more fail-safe options.

Get Prepared

Please join us on Thursday, November 3rd, 2016 at 8:00 PM Central Time for a free webinar titled “Civil Unrest: Post Election Scenarios & Preparation” hosted by Oath Keepers.
While originally envisioned as a briefing on potential post-election civil unrest & terrorism, the information to be presented is equally relevant to pre-election scenarios. This will be an in-depth presentation on how to prepare for possible unrest or terrorism in urban and suburban areas and how to make an emergency plan for your family. We’ll discuss how to prepare to shelter in place and minimize the danger of arson and home invasion, including neighborhood security and defense, contingency plans (Plan B, C, D) as well as what you need to do to safely get out of town if need be. Be ready before anything happens. Click here to lean more.


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