Thursday, October 27, 2016

Could Black Voters Be Joining The Trump Train?

TRUMP on Track to Win More Black Votes Than Any GOP Candidate Since 1960

In the past month the number of black voters for Donald Trump has increased significantly.  If Trump skims 25% of black voters from the Democratic Party he would win the 2016 election in a landslide.

Black Likely Voters for TRUMP @Rasmussen_Poll
Oct 3 - 9%
Oct 6 - 12%
Oct 7 - 13%
Oct 10 - 14%
Oct 11 - 19%
Oct 12 - 19%
Oct 13 - 24% !

Black Likely Voters for TRUMP @Rasmussen_Poll
Oct 17 - 17%
Oct 18 - 19%
Oct 19 - 18%
Oct 20 - 15%
Oct 21 - 16%
Oct 24 - 15%
Oct 25 - 16%

The last Republican to win over 25 percent of the non-white vote was Richard Nixon in 1960.
Nixon won 32% of non-white voters to Kennedy’s 68%.
The black community in America has been in decline ever since.

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