Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hillary And Chelsea, Two Peas In A Pod

OOPS: Wikileaks 

reveals AWKWARD

 truth about 


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Well, this is embarrassing.
A number of emails released
 thus far by Wikileaks show
 what the Clinton camp really
thinks about Chelsea
 Clinton, and it ain’t pretty.
An email exchange between
 Huma Abedin and campaign
 staffer Marlon Marshall
released by WikiLeaks on
Sunday suggested that
Clinton didn’t even want
 her own daughter
campaigning for her, instead
 preferring celebrities.


As LifeZette noted,
is not exactly known for her
fondness of public events —
 or Arkansas, for that matter
 — so the idea that she
 would rather go there herself than send Chelsea Clinton speaks volumes.”
And that’s one of the nicer
emails. Hillary advisor
Doug Band had some harsh
words about Chelsea –
and Hillary, in an email
released on Sunday.

In one of the emails released
 earlier this month, Band
said regarding Chelsea
taking an active role at
the Clinton Foundation,
“She is acting like a spoiled 
brat kid who has nothing 
else to do but create issues
 to justify what she’s doing 
because she, as she has 
said, hasn’t found her way 
and has a lack of focus in 
her life.”
Yes – even those who work
 with the Clinton’s despise
them. I tried to think up a
 way to present this
 information as if it were
surprising – but unfortunately
 found that impossible.
[Note: This post was
authored by Matt Palumbo.
 Follow him on Twitter @MattPalumbo12]

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