Friday, October 21, 2016

Hillary's Emails Show How Much She Was Involved In Getting Dollars From Foreign Leaders

Hillary Clinton Pay-For-Play: $12 Million Offer From Moroccan King

"She created this mess and she knows it."

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A new batch of emails hacked from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s account were published by WikiLeaks on Thursday. This will mark the 13th time the whistleblowing site has released private communications between DNC members.
Clinton has frequently been accused of running a pay-for-play style State Department while serving under the Obama administration. In this new batch of emails, one of the emails shows direct confirmation that a meeting was set up with Hillary Clinton at her 2015 Clinton Global Initiative in Morocco, and that it was paid for with a massive cash reward — $12 million dollars from the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI.
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In a previous email, Clinton aide Huma Abedin explained that the Moroccan King had invested millions in the meeting on the expectation that Clinton would be attending:
“Just to give you some context, the condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part if it, meeting was a non-starter,” wrote Abedin. “CGI also wasn’t pushing for a meeting in Morocco and it wasn’t their first choice. This was HRC’s idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request.”
She continued: “The King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting. It will break a lot of china to back out now when we had so many opportunities to do it in the past few months.”

“She created this mess and she knows it,” Abedin concluded.
Two months before the CGI meeting it started to become clear that Clinton was likely not going to attend the event. Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook wrote to Podesta in order to confirm that was the case.
“huma said it was still happeneing [sic], then said that she’s going to cancel at the last minute but it sounded a little tentative,” Mook said. “Just sounded more up in the air than I thought it was.”
Clinton never ended up attending, instead spending the days of the conference campaigning in Nevada and California. She sent her husband, former President Bill Clinton, instead.
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According to WikiLeaks, Clinton’s manner of answering questions concerning these released emails during the final presidential debate on Wednesday night points to their authenticity.
WikiLeaks has said there are around 50,000 emails in total and all will be released before the presidential election on November 8.

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