Monday, October 24, 2016

If It Looks Like A Pig, Acts Like A Big, Smells Like A Pig, It Probably Is A Pig! It Is The Appearance Of Impropriety!

Clinton ally funneled money to wife of FBI agent who oversaw emails

Clinton addresses Wikileaks
Washington Examiner

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an important ally of Democratic nomineeHillary Clinton, funneled nearly $700,000 in donations and support to the campaign of the spouse of an FBI official who then oversaw Clinton's email investigation.

The Virginia governor's office was full of denials about the connection on Sunday.
"Any insinuation that his support" for state Senate candidate Dr. Jill McCabe, wife of FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, "was tied to anything other than his desire to elect candidates who would help pass his agenda is ridiculous," a spokesman for the governor told the Wall Street Journal.
McAuliffe's PAC donated $475,000 to Jill McCabe's campaign in 2015 and the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by the governor, donated an additional $207,788 worth of support to her unsuccessful bid for office.

The FBI insists that Andrew McCabe "played no role" in his wife's campaign. Months later he was promoted from associate deputy director to deputy director which gave him an "oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton's emails."

The McCabes together did have one meeting with McAuliffe in March of last year, in which the governor and other state Democrats urged Jill McCabe to run for office.
After that meeting, Andrew McCabe reportedly sought ethics advice from the FBI and followed it. He not only refrained from campaigning on his wife's behalf but recused himself from public corruption cases in Virginia, currently including an investigation into possible foreign influence peddling by McAuliffe himself.

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