Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Iran's Open And Modern Approach To Women. (Wrong)


Iran’s Forcing American Women To Do Sickening Things

You would think the sport, rather the game, of chess would be pretty non-controversial.
You move a few pawns up and down the board, get someone in checkmate and you’re good to go, right?
Well normally that’s accurate. The only thing that complicates the game of chess is when the world chess championships are being hosted in Iran.
Even more complicated is when some of the chess champions are women and they’re told if they don’t wear hijab when they visit they’re going to be arrested and thrown in jail.
Why did we let them have billions of dollars in confiscated funds again?
YoungCons writes:
I know you’ve all been waiting with bated breath to learn where this year’s world chess championship will be held, but wonder no longer.
It’s taking place in the terrorist-sponsoring nation of Iran.
You know, the country that kills gays for being gay and refuses women their basic rights?
Well, U.S. women’s champ Nazi Paikidze (there’s a name you don’t hear every day) is threatening to boycott if she is forced to wear a hijab – as will be required.
Iran is set to host the world chess championship, but now the U.S. women’s champion and others are accusing chess tournament officials of not standing up for women’s rights because it has allowed Iran to rule that all female contestants must wear the oppressive Muslim headscarf during their stay in the Muslim country.
Worse, Iran has said that female chess grandmasters who refuse to wear the hijab while in Iran will face arrest!
Fide, the nickname of the World Chess Federation, is now being accused of bowing to pressure from the terrorist exporting nation and not standing up for its female players.
“It is absolutely unacceptable to host one of the most important women’s tournaments in a venue where, to this day, women are forced to cover up with a hijab,” Paikidze said according to the Daily Mail.
“I understand and respect cultural differences,” she added. “But, failing to comply can lead to imprisonment and women’s rights are being severely restricted in general. It does not feel safe for women from around the world to play here.”
“If the situation remains unchanged, I will most certainly not participate in this event,” the U.S. female champ concluded.
Of course, the liberals are pretty quiet on this…they’re quiet on most things Iran.
But they should be the ones most upset as this is a repressive patriarchal regime that’s forcing women to be subjugated to men and giving them no other options other than to conform or go to jail.
Maybe they’re not saying much because their leader is so fond of Iran that they don’t want to ruffle any feathers.
Or maybe, they’re ignorant of what’s going on?
Why do you think liberal minds of the country are refusing to speak out against this?

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