Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Just Another Gun Hating Nut Carrying A Gun!

US Anti-Gun Senator Jamilah Nasheed arrested with a loaded gun, extra clips, and drunk in Ferguson

Guess who got arrested Monday night after she refused to get up off the ground out in the middle of the road in front of the Ferguson Police Department?
And not only arrested, but arrested while her breath reportedly reeked of alcohol and she just so happened to be carrying a fully loaded 9mm with extra ammo?
Why none other than Anti-gun Missouri Senator Jamilah Nasheed (D-St. Louis), who has herself sponsored multiple gun control bills.
“It was a symbolic arrest – sending a message to the protesters that we can protest peacefully and that we must protest peacefully and that we want justice for Michael Brown, but we don’t want it in vain,” Nasheed said outside the jail Tuesday morning.
Here she is below chanting in the street in protest of the Michael Brown shooting — which the autopsy has now revealed happened after Brown went for Police Officer Darren Wilson’s gun — prior to her arrest. Police gave the Senator and her companion numerous warnings to get out of the street and back on the sidewalk before they arrested her but she refused to budge.
So the Senator’s message to Ferguson protesters on how to protest “peacefully” involves what police describe as “intoxicants,” carrying a loaded gun, and kneeling in front of traffic in the middle of a busy street and refusing to move?
The Senator told KMOV4 that she has a concealed carry permit, yet police seized her gun and the rounds upon her arrest. When KMOV4 asked Ferguson Police Officer Tim Zoll why the gun was taken if Nasheed had a permit, Zoll replied, “If she had a concealed carry permit, I’m sure she would have shown it to the officers.”

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