Monday, October 31, 2016

"Never Trumpers" Should Lose Any Future Republican Endorsements.

Sean Hannity Goes Nuclear on ‘Never Trump’ Movement

Sean Hannity is NOT happy with conservatives who refuse to vote for Donald Trump. “In 13 freaking days, we are either going to make a decision to keep screwing the country up or we are going to try and fix it. That’s what’s at stake here.”

You want to get 95 million Americans back to work, you want to get the economy going, you want a president that has the courage to say ‘radical Islam.’
You want to not bring in refugees from countries that have laws that are the antithesis of our constitutional values.
You want to control the borders, you want become energy independent, you want to eliminate Obamacare, you want to fix are dilapidated piece of crap educational system, this is your chance.”
Having gotten that off his chest, he then took on the “Never Trump” movement.

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