Monday, October 24, 2016

Of Course There Is Voter Fraud And Most Favors Dems

James Carville Admits That There Will Be Fraud On Election Day

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and many of his supporters have been concerned about potential voter fraud negatively affecting the results of the upcoming November election.
While most liberals and Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton have dismissed those concerns and even chastised Republicans for questioning the integrity of our voting process, one Democrat strategist and avid Clinton supporter wasn’t exactly on board with their narrative.
Following Wednesday night’s debate, James Carville appeared on MSNBC to discuss the presidential race with news anchor Brian Williams, and to the surprise of many acknowledged that there was, in fact, a likelihood of election fraud.
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While Carville thought Clinton was favored to win over Trump, he didn’t believe the debate necessarily moved the needle for either candidate.
“She might be slightly better off,” he said, The Daily Caller reported. “At a minimum I think we’re faced with same situation we had five hours ago — which is a pretty favorable thing for Hillary and the Democrats going into the election.”
When asked about the GOP candidate’s warnings of a rigged election, Carville had a different response from his Democrat colleagues.
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“Well, of course there will be some fraud,” he said. “You couldn’t have 130, 140 million people do something perfectly.”

Actually, if we implemented and enforced proper voting laws and regulations, we could ensure fair elections — but of course Democrats aren’t in favor of doing so because it is their candidates who consistently reap the benefits of fraudulent voting.
The fact that this Democrat and Clinton team member has even acknowledged the likelihood of fraud in November, yet supports a party and a candidate who stand firmly against voter identification laws and other fair election measures, speaks volumes.

Tell us what you think about this Hillary Clinton supporter who stunned the media and voters with his claim about voter fraud.
What do you think about Carville's statement? 

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