Monday, October 24, 2016

One Of The Most Damaging Emails Found So Far. Either Hillary Is Two Faced Or Very Sick

CLINTON CONFIDANTE TO PODESTA: Hillary ‘Doesn’t Know What Planet She Is On’

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-10-25-24-amHer and Bill. Is this in reference to her health? Or her lack of standing on her own two feet on the issues? Really, she switches her stance to what the crowd wants to hear.
A new email released as part 12 of the Podesta Wikileaks dump reveals that long term Clinton confidante Neera Tanden complained about Hillary not knowing what planet she was on.
In the email, Tanden complains to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta after Hillary told an audience in Ohio, “You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center, I plead guilty.”
“Why did she call herself a moderate?” asks Tanden.
“I pushed her on this on Sunday night. She claims she didn’t remember saying it. Not sure I believe her,” responded Podesta.

Whether the line is in reference to Hillary’s ailing health causing her memory lapses or merely her rapidly shifting political positions is not known – it could be both.

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