Sunday, October 30, 2016

Will Emails Cause Hillary Loss? We Sure Do Hope So

'She is AWFUL': Nigel Farage SKEWERS Hillary Clinton as email probe gives Trump huge boost

NIGEL FARAGE has skewered Hillary Clinton as the race for the White House took a sensational twist with the FBI investigating over in a fresh email probe.

The Clinton campaign was  stated it would examine if the emails being investigated contained sensitive government information.
Donald Trump has lambasted Mrs Clinton, branding her behaviour a “grave miscarriage of justice”.


Speaking on LBC Mr Farage, who has appeared on stage with Mr Trump said: “I think she [Mrs Clinton] is pretty awful.
“I think she is very dishonest, I think the way the Clinton Foundation has raised tens of millions of the back of her still serving in public office makes me feel deeply uneasy.
“I do think, not on everything he say, but I do think in terms of some policy directions Trump has better answers.”
Nigel Farage and Hillary ClintonLBC•GETTY
Nigel Farage hit out Hillary Clinton over her email scandal
I think she is very dishonest
Nigel Farage on Hillary Clinton
Speaking at a quickly arranged press conference in the key swing state of Iowa, Mrs Clinton said: “The American people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately.
“It’s imperative that the bureau explains this issue in questions, what ever it is, without any delay.”
Speaking from New Hampshire Mr Trump told a raucous crowd, buoyed by the fresh threat to Mrs Clinton’s campaign, the issue was greater than Watergate, the legendary scandal that ultimately forced President Richard Nixon to resign.
He said: “Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we’ve never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.
"I have great respect for the fact the FBI and the Department of Justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made.

Donald TrumpGETTY
Donald Trump has called the scandal 'bigger than Watergate'
"This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood and it’s everybody’s hope that it’s about to be corrected.
"So that is a big announcement I heard 10 minutes ago and I guess obviously most of you folks have heard about it and for all fairness for all the people that have suffered for doing so much less and four star General James Carter, General Portas and many others, perhaps finally justice will be done.
"With that being said the rest of my speech is going to be so boring.
"Should I even make the speech? We will talk about borders, we will talk about trade, we’ll bring back our jobs, strengthen our military and let’s get going.
"This is bigger than Watergate."
John Pedestal, the chairman of Mrs Clinton’s campaign, appeared to question the impartiality of the FBI, suggesting the timing of the probe was particularly motivated.
He said: “It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election.”

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