Thursday, November 17, 2016

Can You Believe Having This Unstable, Anger Driven, Object Throwing Individual As President?


Insider Reveals Hillary Got So Violent After Losing Extreme Measures Had to Be Taken


During the second presidential debate, discussing her email problems, Hillary Clinton said that it was “just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.”
Because you’d be in jail,” Trump responded.
If Hillary Clinton does go to jail, she should be fine, though. As it turns out, what she did after her election loss proves her temperament is well suited for being behind bars.

According to radio host Todd Kincannon, a CNN reporter told him that when Hillary realized she was going to lose, the Democratic presidential nominee physically assaulted campaign managers Robbie Mook and John Podesta.
“CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent toward Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained,” Kincannon tweeted.

Kincannon added that Hillary “was in a ‘psychotic drunken rage‘ according to my reporter friend. Doctor added sedatives to the mix.
So, why didn’t we hear about this? The reporter kept it quiet? Not quite, according to Kincannon.
“The CNN reporter didn’t fail to report it. His editors will not let him. CNN has banned all ‘Hillary in the bunker’ stories,” he tweeted.

The Clinton News Network, doing their best again.
While this is just one source, it would line up with a report from the American Spectator that blames Hillary’s election night absence on her flying into a rage in her hotel room.
“Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage,” they reported.
“Her aides could not allow her to come out in public. It would take her hours to calm down. As has been reported for years, her violent temper got the best of her. Talk about having a temperament ill-suited for having access to the atomic bomb. So Podesta went out and gave his aimless speech.”
This would explain a lot, especially since Clinton’s rages have been an open secret the media refused to report on for a while now. However, while the media were bashing Donald Trump’s temperament during the election, little was made of the fact that Hillary was known to be emotionally unstable and prone to fits of anger. We didn’t know it was bad enough that she would attack Podesta and Mook, though.
It’s a good thing this woman doesn’t have our nuclear codes.
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