Thursday, November 10, 2016

Commies (Soros Funded) Leading The Anti Trump Protests

Whoever is creating the riots do not represent Americans as a whole!

It appears as if Soros, Communists and other radicals are fomenting this uprising against a legal election. No one is saying that the election was wrong, nor is there any evidence that the Trump team caused election mischief.  However, that does not appear to make any difference to those, shall we say low information, uninformed radicals, who are pounding the pavement.

Will this last long? Will it have any impact?  We fear that it will last throughout the entire Trump administration and it will have an impact.

It all started with Soros and others paying Black Lives Matter millions to do civil disruptions, It will end when either the government throws Soros in jail, outlaws Black Lives Matter, and investigates those who are causing the disturbances.  Or when the country descends into anarchy.  We prefer the former but expect the latter as the first takes a stiff upper lip and the willingness to take on those who would call the President "a dictator."  Most politicians won't take the distasteful route.

Be prepared as bad days are a 'comin!'

Conservative Tom

Check out this following link and see who is in the vanguard of those protesting!  It will disgust you.

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