Monday, November 21, 2016

Cruz Would Be An Excellent Supreme Court Justice.

Cruz Won’t Rule Out A Supreme Court Seat If Trump Selects Him

"... no stronger constitutional conservative ..."


Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, indicated Friday that he would be more than willing to answer the call if President-elect Donald Trump should appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Cruz appeared Friday at a conference of the Federalist Society. At the end of his remarks, he opened the floor for questions.
“And now I am happy to answer or dodge any question you like,” he joked.

He soon got his chance.
“During the course of the campaign, particularly the primary, I did imagine you in another capacity,” began an audience member.
“So did I,” interrupted Cruz, provoking laughter.

“I’m wondering now if perhaps that ninth seat…any possibility?” the audience member asked.

“What I will say is that history is long and can take unexpected paths,” Cruz said.
“I think it is absolutely vital that that seat and every other seat that comes vacant on the court be filled by principled constitutionalists who will be faithful to the law and will check their own policy preferences at the door and simply honor their oath.”

“I can also tell you that I have right now the privilege of serving in the United States Senate, of representing 27 million Texans,” he said.
“That is a privilege and a responsibility I take very, very seriously. And I look forward to continuing to carry out that responsibility and continuing to fight for the principles of freedom and the principles embodied in the Constitution and Bill of Rights,” he added.
Having affirmed his commitment to his constituents, Cruz said that protecting the Bill of Rights is of vital importance.
“They are very much in jeopardy right now, and I — like I suspect many of you — am very excited by the very historic opportunity we have been given right now, and I look forward to working very hard to make the most of this opportunity. To make the biggest difference for our country,” he said.
Although the Trump transition team has so far indicated that Trump’s court pick would come from two lists totaling 21 people that Trump released during the campaign, he has been urged to look closely at Cruz.
“I would put Ted Cruz on that list. I would suggest that President Trump look within the Senate,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. “There is some talent there. There is no stronger constitutional conservative than Ted Cruz.”

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