Sunday, November 20, 2016

Democrats Who Continue To Bemoan Their Loss Are Damaging America.

Democrats Trashing Democracy Aren’t Just Hypocritical, They’re Unleashing A MONSTER

Who's the "sore loser" now?


This is getting to be a pattern.
The last time a Democrat administration was turned out by a Republican after eight reckless years in the White House, liberals took to the streets, the courts and the halls of Congress to try to stain the George W. Bush presidency before it even got off the ground.
After Republican Donald Trump shocked the entire media and political establishment by defeating Hillary Clinton last week, they’re at it again – and it’s even more malevolent than before.

The latest salvo aimed at undermining the legitimacy of Trump’s election came from – naturally – The New York Times, where Nobel Prize-winning resident narcissist Paul Krugman fired off two Twitter postings casting Trump’s election as the result of some sort of conspiracy cooked up by FBI Director James Comey and Russian spymasters.
In other words, the most prestigious newspaper in the country — at least for now — boasts one of its most prestigious op-ed columnists who is now openly claiming the president-elect of the United States is, in effect, a Manchurian candidate foisted on the American people by a corrupted director of the country’s most prestigious law enforcement service? In cahoots with Kremlin-controlled puppets of Vladimir Putin?
This was the newspaper, remember, that less than as month ago was warning Donald Trump supporters of the sacred duty of American citizens to respect the results of an American election. When Trump refused to answer a question during the third presidential debate asking if he would accept the verdict of the American electorate, the Gray Lady reached for the smelling salts.
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In the closing paragraph of an Oct. 19 editorial titled “Donald Trump’s Contempt for Democracy,” the so-called “newspaper of record” warned:
Mr. Trump’s meltdown in the closing weeks could be dismissed as a sore loser’s bizarre attempt at rationalizing his likely defeat. But his trashing of the democratic process, in the service of his own ego, risks lasting damage to the country, and politicians from both parties should recoil from him and his cynical example.”
Bravo, New York Times. Long may your circulation flourish.
But can we introduce you to a fellow you might already know? He probably doesn’t get around the newspaper’s offices much, being a hotshot economist who no doubt emails his column in from Mount Olympus, but he sounds like just the sort of “sore loser” you’re condemning, right down to the “bizarre attempt at rationalizing” defeat.

As evidence accumulates that Trump benefited from a lot of late deciders breaking his way, the case that it was Comey gets stronger 1/

As evidence accumulates that Trump benefited from a lot of late deciders breaking his way, the case that it was Comey gets stronger 1/
So it looks more and more as if we had an election swung, in effect, by a faction of our own security sector in alliance with Putin 2/

The “Comey,” of course, is FBI Director James Comey, the man whose premature — and ultimately faulty — exoneration of Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton back in July sent liberals like Krugman into paroxysms of praise for the FBI’s adroit handling of the thorny Clinton email investigation.
In fact, it was The New York Times itself that explained in a July editorial titled “Legal, But Not Political, Clarity on the Clinton Emails” that said, “Led by Mr. Comey, who also served as deputy attorney general under President George W. Bush, the F.B.I. appears to have worked as comprehensively and expediently as it could to investigate a problem that is entirely of Mrs. Clinton’s making.”
Of course, that was back when the fix appeared to be in for the Democrats to steal the 2016 general election for Hillary Clinton, after the Democrat National Committee had succeeded in stealing the nomination for her in the primary campaign.

Now, that American voters, by a convincing Electoral College majority, have decided that the next president of the United States will be a political bomb-thrower named Donald Trump, the sanctity of American elections, and the credibility of the man who leads the nation’s premier law enforcement agency, are not only in doubt, but utterly worthless. So says Paul Krugman and others on the left, including Hillary herself.
And down this road lies madness.
See, the problem here is not just disgruntled, disoriented hypocrites like Krugman and his Times brethren, liberals to a man – or woman – and living an utter disconnect between their actions and the principles of American journalism.
It’s not just the late-night talk show hosts (like the pitiful Stephen Colbert) or even the broken-hearted Hollywood celebrities who swore Hillary Clinton was all that stood between America and barbarism.
The problem is the one The Times – however hypocritically – warned of in its Trump editorial: The “trashing of the democratic process risks lasting damage to the country.”
For once in a great, great while, The Times was absolutely correct about something, and that is that the corrosive effect of powerful forces continually attacking the underpinnings of American democracy is going to hurt the country badly in the years ahead.
Democrats of The Times bent have never worried much about “lasting damage to the country.” The raison d’etre for the newspaper and the politically liberal ruling class it considers its audience is too cosmopolitan for such concerns.
And opinion columnists like Krugman don’t worry about it at all. This is a guy, after all, who picked up $225,000 a year for a part-time job studying – you guessed it — income inequality (besides income he might get from speaking fees, book sales, and whatever The Times pays him for his drivel.)
Sixteen years ago, the Democrats chanted that George W. Bush was “selected not elected,” after a Supreme Court ruling threw Al Gore’s groundless election challenge into the trash. Today, liberals like Krugman are circulating dark rumors that the United States presidency is a pawn in the hands of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, and that the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked behind the scenes with America’s adversary as it knowingly corrupted the electoral process to ensure Hillary Clinton’s defeat.
Groundless charges like that will inflame the Democrat partisans, of course, but they’re playing with fire for the United States. The ultimate currency of a country built on the rule of law is trust. And when Democrats have utterly debased that, they’re going to do more damage to its fiber than any Confederate flag ever could — even the ones that flew at Gettysburg and came down at Appomattox.
At the moment, the country is safe. Far from being ascendant, Democrats are at their lowest point politically since Woodrow Wilson’s regime. The presidency is in Republican hands, as are both houses of Congress, the majority of state governorships, and most state elective offices.
But the Democrats will come back one day, the pendulum of American democracy virtually guarantees it. And what lengths will they go to the next time they’re thrown out of power?
In the Hillary Clinton campaign, liberals marshaled every cultural force available to them — a slavish news media, the entertainment and academic worlds — and still they lost.
The increasingly hysterical reaction to Trump’s unexpected victory last week contains an ominous, dangerous warning: Chances are, they’re not going to take any chances the next time around.
The repeating pattern may become permanent.
What do you think?

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