Friday, November 18, 2016

Disrupt J20 Wants To Prevent Trump From Taking His Oath. Promise Threats, Violence, Protests On January 20, 2017.

Anarchy is planned for January 20, 2017, the day that Donald Trump will take the oath of office as the 45th President of the United States. If they are successful, we will see the ceremony shut down and moved in doors away from any potential assassins.  This would indeed be a tragedy.

This group (#DisruptJ20) does not like anything to do with American culture, government, society or life. It wants to destroy it all.

We present the following video as a primer on this group and a view of what might happen if they get lucky enough to pull off the violence they want.  Don't expect the Obama Administration to put up any resistance to Disrupt J20 as they probably are on the same side!

Pray for a violence free period between now and January 20.  We fear that groups like DisruptJ20 might be planning other "actions" to make their power known.  (Maybe we should pray for lots of snow and cold!!)

Conservative Tom

Here is the video:

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