Thursday, November 3, 2016

Emails Are Only A Part Of The Clinton Story.

If the following article is accurate, and we purposely include the caveat that it might not be, and if the FBI and NYPD have actual information on the 

sex slave business that both the Clintons were involved with, this race should end today and it should be called by the Democrats (that is if they have any pride and sense of duty to this country.)

However, we don't expect anything like an awakening of the Democrats who we predict will go down with the Clinton ship, never admitting there was any problem much like they did when "Slick Willy" was impeached and not convicted. What a shame that they have no moral outrage. If this were Trump, they would be demanding an immediate verdict and if they could, hang him by the nearest tree.

This story, again if true, should end the Hillary run and any Clinton legacy that is left. We can only hope that there is a blue dress around somewhere!!

Conservative Tom

Breaking! NYPD Just Raided Hillary's Property and What They Found Will Put Her and Bill In Prison

**Please Share, This Needs To Reach As Many People As Possible Before Hillary Can Be Elected According to multiple sources, after the NYPD confiscated Anthony Weiner's laptop which was filled with Huma Abedin's emails they continued their search and discovered the property of Hillary Clinton in the form of emails that implicated her and Bill in the most heinous and serious crimes. VIA Subject Politics An NYPD source just claimed that within the emails on that device, Hillary and Bill are directly implicated ins a MASSIVE child sex/trafficking ring along with their friend, and convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. (See Below) According to the source, “…It’s much more vile and serious than classified material on Weiner’s device. The emails DETAIL the trips made by Weiner, Bill and Hillary on their pedophile billionaire friend’s plane, the Lolita Express.” “We’re talking an international child enslavement and sex ring“ These claims were backed up by other NYPD sources as well: Jeff Epstein is a level-3 registered sex offender and the media ignores the fact hat Bill Clinton flew 26 times on Epstein’s private Jet and allegedly visited Epstein’s sex slave island. Now that Hillary has also been directly implicated, the media cannot ignore this any longer! The NYPD source makes specific claims about her involvement. He says, “Hillary has a well documented predilection for underage girls, and Mr. Weiner could not bear to see those details deleted.” Read more @ (Link: **Please Share, This Needs To Reach As Many People As Possible Before Hillary Can Be Elected

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