Sunday, November 20, 2016

Even Fox Reporters Can Be Fired For Supporting Trump

Fox Station Reporter Fired After Praising Trump’s Presidential Victory


Houston television journalist Scarlett Fakhar made the news recently when she expressed her joy after Donald Trump won the presidential election on her personal Facebook page. She was accused of showing bias and the company she worked for, KRIV-TV, made her apologize for her remarks.
Apparently, that wasn’t enough and the Fox affiliate has fired Fakhar, according to the Washington Times.
A KRIV spokeswoman told the Dallas News last week that the station had no comment on Fakhar’s original post, but the station did confirm she was let go Thursday.

Fakhar, the daughter of an Iranian immigrant, claimed many people misconstrued her post and tried to turn in into a racial issue because she discussed media coverage of black-on-black crime.
Part of her post stated that she was relieved the Trump won the election.
“Look what Obama has done… how he made the entire country hate one another… You guys want another administration like that?” she wrote.

After considerable backlash and issuing an apology, Fakhar posted to her Facebook fan page an explanation of her comments.
She said the media had turned the matter into a race issue.

“As a multiracial person myself, I never have been or never will be racist. I simply stated the fact that the media continues to misrepresent the factual realities that there is NO more white on black crime than there is black on black crime,” she explained.
Apparently, that explanation wasn’t enough and KRIV-TV decided to fire Fakhar.
It’s horrible that this reporter lost her job for expressing her opinions on her personal Facebook page. What’s even more disgusting is the amount of hate this woman has received for expressing her opinions, when those on the left seem to believe they carry a free pass when it comes to trashing Trump.
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