Sunday, November 27, 2016

Good Bye To Castro--Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Rear!

Castro is dead, but he achieved his purpose, which was to aggravate the Cold War, provide a test case for communism and frighten people about incipient nuclear missile exchanges.

His passing marks the end of the first phase of the Cold War. Now it is very obvious that a second phase is being prepared.

Tensions between Russia and the US are being continually heightened… and no, they are still ongoing even with the election of Trump who, under the guidance of Henry "War Criminal" Kissinger, has pledged his full support for NATO while Putin has replied that he will crush NATO.

These tensions are mainly initiated by the US and Britain. In other words it is the Anglosphere that has been responsible for so many wars including the World Wars.

Castro provides us with an example of how these trends – which we regularly analyze – work.

With an academic history that included intensive Jesuit schooling and later on, the backing of the US military and intel community, Castro was positioned to do what he did (take over Cuba) and he was generously funded as well.

Castro was raised up on purpose. Either that or we are to think that the CIA and other intel agencies drastically misjudged Castro and believed him to be a freedom fighter when he was actually a dictator-in-waiting who would preside over an increasingly totalitarian system of government. Are they really so naïve?

When the "Russian Revolution" was raging, author G. Edward Griffin points out that Wall Street tycoons journeyed to what would become the Soviet Union to learn where they might direct their cash.

They were disguised as Red Cross workers and all of their resources went to the "Red" – communists – Russians who won the war with Wall Street's help.

This is always the way it works in the West. The banking controllers use a Hegelian dialectic to control the world and generate additional globalism.

In other words, they need an enemy to provide the justification for additional international authoritarianism. Castro was probably groomed from a child to fulfill this role.

He was raised in wealthy circumstances in Cuba and attended Jesuit schools – where no doubt his preparation as a world-renowned rebel commenced.

He was probably promised control of Cuba if he cooperated. Tall, energetic and reportedly a bully who liked to fight, he was surely chosen for his role early on – as those who build our false history usually identify and groom their future figureheads when they are young.

Supposedly Castro developed an attraction for socialist politics that resulted in his participation in revolutionary movements. More likely – as with Clinton and Obama – he was provided with a persona that he gradually realized.

Here's his background from Wikipedia:

Aged six, Castro was sent to live with his teacher in Santiago de Cuba, before being baptized into the Roman Catholic Church at the age of eight. Being baptized enabled Castro to attend the La Salle boarding school in Santiago, where he regularly misbehaved, so he was sent to the privately funded, Jesuit-run Dolores School in Santiago.

In 1945 he transferred to the more prestigious Jesuit-run El Colegio de Belén in Havana. Although Castro took an interest in history, geography and debating at Belén, he did not excel academically, instead devoting much of his time to playing sport.

First the Jesuits got their hands on him and then of course DC itself. And on it goes …

We're supposed to believe US officials were "shocked" when Castro turned out to be a communist rather than a corporatist.

We're supposed to be surprised that the 600-plus assassination attempts "failed."

We're supposed to be indignant that Castro's reign – not far away from one of the epicenters of world power in Washington DC – lasted well over half-a-century.

The shadowy globalists that occupy the topmost rung of our world surely wanted him in power. He brought the Cold War very close to the American people and provided an ongoing irritation combined with a boogeyman persona.

It was impossible to ignore the provocation of the USSR while Castro lived in Havana and regularly deepened his relationships with the communist world.

Castro served one more purpose as well.  As he aged while the Cold War suspiciously diminished and then suddenly ended, his image was gradually reshaped.

Instead of a brutal dictator, he was made out to be a man who wanted the best for his people and had simply decided on a misguided methodology.

In other words, his "heart was in the right place." Thus, Castro was of use one last time to justify the practice of authoritarian politics. We can see this in the wake of his death (whenever he really died …).

But, really, how different was Castro from Clinton, or even Trump?  Most of the things Castro stood for, so do Clinton and Trump.

He was pro-military, pro-police, pro-public schools, pro-government borders, pro-regulations, pro-taxes, pro-licenses, pro-minimum wage, pro-immigration control, pro-flag waving, pro-singing the national anthem, pro-government, pro-Constitution, pro-government laws, he wanted to make Cuba great again, he was a war hero, and he believed in the State.

In the end, as we can see, Castro did revert to his corporatist roots. His rule was never about being a "communist." It was simply a way of assuring longevity. He had none of the artificial limits that a democracy might have provided.

Of course, Resident Barack O'Bomber was not about to slam Castro for his bloodthirsty rule. Here's how he remembered him:

"History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him." 

And here's Canadian Prime Murderer, Justin Trudeau's comment:

"Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation. While a controversial figure, both Mr. Castro's supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for "el Comandante".

Jesuit Pope Francis sent a telegram:

"Upon receiving the sad news of the death of your dear brother, His Excellency Mister Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, former president of the State Council and of the Government of the Republic of Cuba, I express my sentiments of sorrow to Your Excellency and other family members of the deceased dignitary, as well as to the people of this beloved nation," the pontiff's telegram reads. (CruxNow).

That's a lot of praise for a man who installed a repressive Stalinist system in Cuba which killed thousands and is also responsible for the deaths of thousands more who died trying to flee his dictatorship.

A man who created his own concentration camps (the UMAP) and built over 500 prisons in Cuba to hold his victims where abuse and torture were commonplace.

A man who lived like a millionaire while the Cuban people had to endure 57 years of shortages as he destroyed the Cuban economy and agriculture.

A man who is listed by Genocide Watch as leader of a regime guilty of genocide.

In fact, Castro's body count, per capita, would be the equivalent of a US dictator murdering 2 to 5 million Americans.

I have visited Cuba numerous times and heard all the stories of heartbreak.

Socialism/communism has been perfected in Cuba where everyone except the government elites makes a "fair share" of $20/month and rationed food.

Here was an interview I had with one of the few anarcho-capitalists on the island who tells of how bad it is.

The fact that so many, such as O'Bomber, Trudeau and the Pope are showering praise on his achievements tells you exactly where they would like to see the rest of the world headed… just like Cuba.

The direct opposite of the fasco-communism in Cuba today is anarcho-capitalism.  The belief in free people and free markets.  Thankfully it is growing dramatically.

The world's largest anarcho-capitalist event will be held in Acapulco, Mexico at the end of February.

Let's hope the death of Fidel is a sign of the death of the entire fasco-communist global cabal of world destroyers.  Power to the people. Good riddance to a genocidal stooge.
Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind's two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world's freedom, investment and gold conferences including his own, Anarchapulco, as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.

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