Friday, November 4, 2016

Hillary, The Pathetic Excuse For A Candidate

Hillary knew

While addressing the faithful in Sanford, Florida, this week, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton stopped just short of saying “I feel your pain.”  In what I think was an attempt to establish her credentials as ISIS’s worst nightmare, Madame Clinton went for a stroll with her foot in her mouth.
“I know what happened not far from here at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. I was in New York City on 9/11 as one of the two senators… I will defeat ISIS. I will protect America!”
Talk about your boilerplate rhetoric; she worked in a cheap pop to the locals, tied her own suffering to theirs and promised she was the cure to what ails them. Professional wrestlers do that five nights a week in high school gyms across America, not including pay-per-view extravaganzas. Unfortunately for Hillary, the truth snuck up behind her and whacked her with a steel chair.
You see: Hillary wasn’t in New York City on 9/11. Given her preoccupation with so-called “Islamophobia” and her belief that guns were somehow to blame for Islamic terrorist Omar Mateen’s June attack in nearby Orlando, it appears she doesn’t know what happened not far from the suburban campaign stop, either. And given her failing marks on the first two, the latter pair of promises seem kinda empty. Hillary knows she wasn’t in the Big Apple the day Big Islam attacked, but selling the speech meant she needed to lie. She knew. She just didn’t care.
Hillary has also stepped up the frequency of her usual jabs at Republican nominee Donald Trump’s supposed issues with the fairer sex. Does it strike anyone else as odd — to the point of spooky — that the woman who rode shotgun with Slick Willy the serial womanizer has a case of the sads over how Trump was mean?  And Hillary didn’t merely grin and bear her husband’s sex crimes.  She formulated the “nuts and sluts” strategy run to discredit Bill’s victims.  She shamed them, berated them and even personally threatened them. Her husband raped them and then she raped them all over again. Much like her grubbing for multi-million dollar donations from countries which treat women like livestock, she calculated her own advancement ahead of people’s lives. She knew exactly what she was doing. She just didn’t care.
She knew the terrorist attack on the Benghazi compound that took the lives of four Americans, including her “friend” Ambassador Chris Stevens, wasn’t caused by a YouTube video; just as she knew the situation in Libya was deteriorating rapidly.  But she went with the YouTube excuse, and Stevens, Doherty, Smith and Woods died while she slept comfortably.  She knew what had happened.  She just didn’t care.
She knew her private email server was illegal.  She knew she was risking our national security for the sake of convenience.  Her excuses for her digital disgrace have gotten so convoluted with time, the Marvel Comics timelines are easier to untangle.  But she has continued to lie with the stone-cold aplomb of a serial killer.  She knew she had opened the door to what the FBI now says could be more than a half-dozen foreign espionage agencies.  She just didn’t care.
She knew about the child who was raped by her client. She knew about the Haitian children her “charity” fleeced out of millions. She knew her “Bosnian sniper fire” story made Brian Williams look like Chesty Puller. She knew her pals at Planned Parenthood looked at defenseless babies the way rabid dogs look at slow-moving lambs. She.  Just.  Didn’t.  Care.
Hillary touts experience on matters ranging from State security to sex crimes.  What she tends to leave out is the fact that she has been on the wrong end of nearly every one of those experiences; often with catastrophic results for everyone but Hillary.  She knew, but more to the point: she knew that you knew.  She just didn’t care.
Of course, there is an alternative explanation to Hillary’s apparent sociopathy.  It’s possible that a combination of incredible guilelessness and the multiple health problems we have all witnessed have taken a heavier toll on the old girl than we thought.  She might not have known — at all — about any of the broken promises, families, lives and nations she has left in her considerable wake.  In that case, she’s about as fit for the presidency as a psychiatric patient blissed out on the kind of drugs that ultimately involve drool, pudding and straitjackets.
Do you really want to leave either one of those possibilities on the table at what may well be America’s darkest hour?  Hillary Clinton doesn’t care.  She hopes you don’t, either.
— Ben Crystal

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