Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Hillary's Computer Probably Was Hacked

BREAKING: Judicial Watch Drops 

Bombshell on Email Investigation

  • 11/01/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
7 3 0  11
Oh boy. This is a bad day for Crooked Hillary. That whole "my server was

Newly released State Department documents obtained by government

watchdog Judicial Watch show hackers attempting to breach former

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private server, where she hosted top

secret information, nearly a dozen times in just two days. 

The hacking attempts are detailed by Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano, who

set up the server, and Justin Cooper, a longtime aide to Bill Clinton and

the Clinton Foundation. The attempts occurred between November 27

and 29 of 2010.

During congressional testimony in September, Cooper said he never held

a security clearance while managing the server that contained classified

information. Despite being granted immunity in the FBI's criminal probe

of the server, Pagliano refused to testify about the server. Hillary Clinton

maintains her email server was never hacked.

When FBI Director James Comey announced a non-indictment of Clinton

over her email server in July, he noted that although there was no evidence

found during the year long criminal investigation the server was compromised,

skilled hackers would be able to completely cover their tracks after hacking

into the system. 
Was anyone successful? We don't know. But given the ease at which 
Wikileaks has accessed Clinton emails to date, it seems hard to believe
 that it wasn't. More on this as it develops...

Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/breaking-judicial-watch-drops-bombshell-on-email-investigation#JA9eHhyXevKg31vV.99

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