Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Is Huma The Weak Point In Hillary's Wall Of Deception?

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Amazing that nowhere in the Hillary scandal  articles (even the WSJ) is the background of Huma Abedin mentioned. If Trump had a KKK’er as his top aide, confidant and body glove, you’d hear of it 24/7. So why is the history of Huma’s and her complete family’s outright membership and involvement in the Muslim Brotherhood being kept a secret from the American voters by the MSM?
Pass this around to your liberal friends, relatives and neighborsHope it wakes them up to the so-far successful Islamist takeover of our country. And, how in the world could they vote for Hillary Clinton now!  How perverse is their mindless ideology based upon smoke, mirrors, the Environmental Protection Agency, Windmills and Global warming, the usual associated mindless anti-Semitism, vague pie in the sky universalism, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street as roll models!  There is literally no limit to their well-planned, well executed, US destructive activities with Huma Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood Family, ISIS, very much in the lead with she furnishing more espionage over 10 years than they could ever conceive in their wildest dreams.  Only in a naive, uninformed, perverse  media dominated America could this happen. Of course, the European Union has been  even easier pickins’  with their own coterie of Huma Abedin’s, I am sure. (jsk)

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